Brink of your Vision

Start from the beginning

I let my inner demon and angel battle each other for a while, having them fight over who should win as I watched from the sidelines. Who would prevail?

Eventually the final words I heard from my mouth were...

"Fuck it. I need them, I'll use them. Nothing more to it than that."

I finally grabbed my phone to text Damion.

Me: When you get this, please call me. I need some more of that stuff. Thanks.

"I'm the son of rage and love, the Jesus of Suburbia...."

I smiled upon hearing my ringtone and seeing that I had an incoming call from Damion.

"Hey Dame," I greeted refreshingly.

"Hey Lay! Good morning! How are you?"

"I've been better," I yawn.

"Get any sleep last night? You sound tired."

"I wish I had," I take a sip of black coffee and wedge the mug back between my hands. "Pulled an all-nighter, unintentionally."

"Damn, really? Are those pills helping at all?!"

"They were, but I...I lost them. I misplaced them," I lied while turning down the volume to Full House. "No idea where they went."

There was no way I could tell him the truth. If I had mentioned the hospital or the scanning I had, he would refuse to sell them to me. He was too sweet of a guy...too responsible and caring, not exactly what I need right now.

"That's too bad, were they helping?"

"Oh yeah, they helped a lot. I was finally getting some good sleep. Haven't been able to sleep since I lost them though, so if you could let me know when you get your next prescription I would love to buy some off you."

"Well, Lay...those pills are some good shit for sure, but you can't get too comfy with them. Maybe you need to lay off them until you can produce your own melatonin or whatever."

"NO!" I accidentally blurt out. "I mean, with the pills I was getting better. I was able to take naps on my own and stuff....but without them I just feel lost. They help aid my natural sleep, I promise."

"I don't know, Lay.."

"Please, Damion. I really need this. You would be doing me a big favor."

"I want to do you a favor, Layla. I want to help you, but-"

"I'll give you more money," I beg with my nails in my mouth to bite. "Name a price."

"It's not about the money, it's about—"

"Currently I'm drinking black coffee like it's water and Netflix hasn't had a rest since 11 last night. My eyes feel like they're going to bulge out of my skull and I've been listening to the same songs on repeat since yesterday afternoon. I need sleep desperately. Please."

I could hear him sigh on the other end.

"Fine. I have a new bottle coming in an hour. Meet me same place, same time?"

"I'll be there."

I hung up and grinned. It's going to be okay.

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