I closed my eyes and began to drift of to sleep thinking about my blue-eyed hero.

*Phil's P.O.V.*

I woke up the next morning, smashing my obnoxious alarm clock, causing the snooze button to jam.

"Oops." I said to myself, getting out of bed.

I made my way to the shower and smiled as I remembered last night's conversation with the Pastel Prince. He was so kind, and even a bit flirty which I wasn't complaining about. For once, I couldn't wait to get to school. I wanted to see Dan, and I especially wanted to take him to that café.

I got ready and threw my backpack over my shoulder, groaning at the weight of it. If only they had a page limit on these damn things! I made my way out the door, grabbing some toast on the way out as I waved my mum goodbye.

I started walking to school, keeping an eye out for Dan. I started to really think about my feelings for him. I've always liked girls, but then again, I never really considered liking a guy. Maybe I was bi? But, after meeting Dan, I don't really want any girls. Dan was all I wanted.

"Huh.." I said to myself, thinking.

I looked up and saw a pastel pink jumper and nearly sprinted to it. Once I got to my destination, I put my hands on my knees, panting.

"You okay?" The pastel pink jumper asked.

I nodded, "J-Just a little... O-Out of shape."

He chuckled to himself as I looked up. He really was miraculous. His brown eyes glistening in the sunlight. He smiled at me, revealing his dimple.

"Hey, You! Are we still on for after school?" He asked blushing a bit.

"Of course! I'm looking forward to it!" I said, maybe a bit too enthusiastically.

"Ready to go inside?" Dan asked, nodding towards the entrance to hell.

I nodded and walked side by side with him, looking at him at times, then I'd look away quickly before he could notice. I looked over once more, before I realized he wasn't there. I looked around and saw Steven, one of Joseph's friends had Dan pushed against the wall.

"Phil, this fag bothering you? He was standing a bit too close to you." He hissed, looking at Dan.

I don't know what went through me, but in what seemed like a second, Steven was on the floor with a bloody nose and Dan was in my arms. I looked down at him shocked as he looked up at me, shaking slightly.

"D-Dan..? What happened?" I asked, not blinking as I look down at my red knuckles.

"You just beat his ass.." Dan said quietly.

I was afraid that he was going to become afraid of me. He's so little and innocent and I'm so tall and scary. Most people coward down when they see me or they just run the other way. Dan however has found a way to look past the piercings and tattoos, and maybe that's why I'm so fond of him.

"A-Are you scared?" I asked hesitantly, my lip quivering as I bit it to hold back any tears.

Dan looked up at me, and in that moment, I felt like the world stopped spinning. He didn't look at me with fear in his eyes. He looked at me with compassion and gratefulness.

"Are you kidding? Of course not, Phil. You just saved me. No one else in this bloody school has ever done that for me. If anything, I'm grateful." He said, stroking away a tear that escaped my eyes and smiled sweetly.

I smiled at him, our eyes locking together. I felt this sensation inside my chest and I could feel my heart pounding. It was in that instance that I swore to myself that I would always protect Dan Howell, no matter what.

"We should get to class, yeah? I'll meet you before lunch." Dan said smiling, showing his dimple.

"Yeah, see you in a bit!" I said, smiling in response.

We parted and went to our classes. I hated that I didn't have any classes with him, but at least we had the same lunch. I watched him enter his class carefully, making sure no one pestered him on his way there.

I walked to my class and sat down. All I could think about was Dan. For someone who gets brutal beatings quite often, he was so humble and sweet, but he was strong as well. I wish I could be strong like him. Well, mentally. He didn't let anyone get to him. Day after day, beating after beating, he still wore his pastels and flower crowns despite what anyone had to say about it.

My lessons went by surprisingly quick and I met Dan outside the cafeteria. He greeted me with a smile. I have to admit, I was pretty nervous about sitting with him at lunch. Normally, I either sat by myself or with the other bullies, but I was really excited to change it up at the same time.

"Ready to go in?" Dan asked, opening the door for me.

"Yup, I'm starving!" I said, patting my stomach.

Once we got our food, we sat down at a table towards the back where two other boys were settled.

They both looked up with wide eyes and opened mouths.

"D-D-Dan..?" One of them whispered.

"Peej, Chris, this is Phil. He's going to be sitting here, okay?" Dan said smiling at me.

Their expressions eased up and they smiled at me as well.

"Hey, I'm PJ." A boy with green eyes and wavy hair said.

"And I'm Chris." A boy with brown hair and big brown eyes said.

I sat down and we all actually had a lot in common. We all played the same video games and they were just pretty cool guys.

Once the bell for lunch rang, PJ and Chris went off to there classes as I walked with Dan.

"They seem to really like you! You fit right in!" He said enthusiastically, smiling widely.

"Really? I-I was pretty nervous..." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"Really! You should keep sitting with us. I like talking to you as much as I can, but we don't have any classes together, so that's the only time we can really sit down and talk." He said, looking down, blushing.

I smiled at his blush and tried to stifle a giggle. He was just too adorable. I really liked spending time with him too. Even the Facebook messaged made my heart flutter.

"Definitely! Oh, and don't forget about going to that café after school today. We can sit down and talk there too." I said smiling. I really enjoyed his company. He just had this warm and inviting personality.

"I haven't been able to forget about it all day. I can't wait!" He said as he let out a giggle, "Well, I better get to class. I'll see you after school! Bye, Phil!" He said as he scurried off down the hall.

He really was something else...

Hey, guys! Thanks so much for reading! This chapter is just a bit longer than the first. Sorry if things don't make much sense towards the beginning, I started writing it at 3 a.m. cx But, anyways, I hope you like it^~^
Until next time! xx

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