Collecting The Boy

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Autumn wakes up surprisingly early for a Saturday morning. She checks her phone and sees that it is seven. She rolls out of bed and makes her way to the bathroom to get in the shower, not wanting to waste any time. James had told her in Chemistry that they'd begin their all-day date as soon as Autumn was ready.

She smiles to herself in the shower and begins to ponder what James has planned. He had been very secretive in Chemistry which drove Autumn insane. Secrets, she felt, were no fun unless you were the one holding them. Her mind was still bouncing off ideas by the time that she got out of the shower and was completely dressed. She steps over her dirty clothes that were thrown across the floor and hurries down the stairs. Autumn gets into the kitchen and stops dead in her tracks. Was James going to take her out to breakfast? Or had he not anticipated her being ready this early?

She decides to skip breakfast, just for now, and put on her makeup. Simple touches, like mascara and blush was what she felt comfortable wearing. Once in the bathroom she looks herself once over in the mirror, trying to see herself from a stranger's perspective. She couldn't see anyone thinking she was beautiful, like James had told her. Autumn smiles as she thinks of the letter. She had been carrying it around all week, taking it out at random intervals to read it again. She was sure she had the whole thing memorized by now.

Autumn catches herself grinning in the mirror and a thought crosses her mind: I look good with a smile on my face. However, she shakes the thought away and tells herself that she was taking James' letter too seriously. She was average and she knew that. Though she continued to repeatedly herself how remarkably average she is - Autumn can't help but notice the nice shape of her sparkling green, almond-shaped eyes.

She makes her way out of the bathroom and back into the kitchen where she debates once again on the breakfast issue. To eat or not to eat? She finally decides to eat light and takes a handful of grapes out of the fridge. She pops them in her mouth and begins walking around the house restlessly; picking up random objects, only to put them back down again; adjusting photos on the wall to make them straight; and rearranging random knick-knacks that they had lying around.

Autumn was just playing around with the pillows on the couch when Emily comes into the living room.

"What are you doing?" she asks. Autumn shrugs her shoulders.

"Just making the pillows look nice."

"Don't you have a date thing with James today?" Emily asks, picking up the remote and changing the TV station to one with cartoons.

"Well I don't know when. I'm afraid to just knock on his door. He still might be sleeping." Autumn says to Emily. Emily looks at her sister and sighs.

"I'll knock for you if you're too afraid." Autumn looks at her sister, skeptically. Emily had just woken up with crazy bed-head, she was wearing pajama pants that were a few inches too short, revealing her skinny ankles, an extremely baggy shirt, and squinty, tired eyes.

"I don't know, Em." Autumn finally says. Emily propels herself of the couch and motions for her sister to follow along. Despite Autumn's meek words of protest, Emily leads them outside. The chilly air bites at Autumn's face harshly. Emily cuts across the yard and into the neighbors. She boldly knocks on the door, looking quite ridiculous in her pajamas. The door swings open and James' dad stands behind it. Autumn is a tad bit intimidated by him. He was a tall man, with curly brown hair that laid messily on his head. He had round glasses on and was in a thick sweater and jeans. Autumn hadn't seen in seven years. Emily however, went on speaking.

"Hello, Mr. James' Dad. Is James here? She has a date with him." Emily says, pointing to Autumn. Mr. Ferrell smiles at Emily and looks at Autumn.

"She looks a lot like you, when you were younger." he says, giving a reminiscent smile. Autumn smiles back at him politely.

"I'll go get the boy." he says and walks off into the house. Autumn and Emily stand in the doorway, waiting for his return. In nearly no time at all, he's back with James. Mr. Ferrell rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet.

"Well..." he begins awkwardly, "You kids have fun. What time can I expect you back, James?" James looks from his father to Autumn, then back to his father.

"I don't know, Dad. I feel like it's going to be an interesting day. I'll let you know though, I've got my phone. I'll call you." he says. His father nods his head and begins inching the door closed. James gives him a final wave goodbye and the door clicks shut.

"Hi James!" Emily pipes up. He smiles at her and ruffles her hair, though he didn't affect it much. It couldn't get much messier than it already was.

"So... An interesting day, huh?" Autumn says to James, nudging his arm. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm still not going to tell you." he says, giving her a teasing grin. "You're just going to have to trust me when I tell you to get in the car and don't ask questions." Autumn giggles at his remark and she couldn't wipe the grin off her face, even though the smiling hurt her chapped lips.

"And what if I refuse to get into the car without answers?" she remarks back playfully, stopping to cross her arms and raise her eyebrows at him.

"Well, then I guess I'll have to - Shoot."

"Shoot? You guys you'll have to...Shoot? Shoot what? Shoot me?"

"No, I left the keys on the kitchen table. I'll be right back." he says and runs back to his house. Autumn lets her arms fall loosely to her sides while she waits for James. Emily heads into the house, not bothering to wait. Autumn begins to tap her foot while she waits for James. He soon runs out of the house and up to her, panting.

"So - uh - What was I saying?"

"You were telling me what would happen if I refused."

"Oh, that's right." James says and in one fluid motion he sweeps her up off her feet.

"Hey - wait - ! James!" Autumn shrieks, but clutches on to his neck, nevertheless. He smiles and marches over to the car and sets her gently on her feet. Autumn smiles at him, feeling dizzy and lightheaded. He opens up the door for her. She smiles at him and slides in. James closes the door gently, walks around the car and lets himself in.

"As I was saying," James begins with a smirk on his face, "If you refused to get in the car I'd just have to charm you to get you in here." Autumn begins to sputter words of denial but he holds up a finger and silences her.

"Now, off to the park to begin the first part of our date."

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