After Class

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The whole time in Chemistry Autumn sat there staring at the back of James's head, waiting for him to turn around. Waiting for him to give Autumn the goofy, lopsided smile that she used to receive when they were little. However James kept seemed to have another girl interest, Lindsey. Lindsey was blonde, short and Autumn supposed, gorgeous. Lindsey was very rich so she always had the best clothes, the most expensive make-up and greatest hair accessories. If it weren't for all the money she had, Autumn knows Lindsey would be pretty ugly. She somewhat resembled a pug, because she was short and stocky, had broad shoulders and a square face. Yet Lindsey stayed hidden behind her make-up and expensive clothes so she was dropped dead gorgeous.

Autumn kept throwing mental insults at Lindsey as she watched her whisper and smirk at James, playfully hit his arm... Autumn's stomach hurt and felt like it was twisting inside of her. Maybe she could just run up to James when the bell rang and say hello. Then he'd see her and remember. He'd ditch Lindsey in a moment and come hang out with her. Yes, that's what she would do.

Autumn impatiently taps her foot on the floor, only half-listening to what the Mrs. Hanson was saying. Finally, the sweet sound of the bell rang throughout the classroom and there's shuffling and a babble of conversation as everyone gets up to stretch and leave the classroom.

"Wait! Class, I dismiss you not the bell." Mrs. Hanson says and in unison the class groans and sits back down.

"Much better. Now don't get too comfortable, tomorrow we're getting assigned seats. Class dismissed." she says with a wave of her hand. Once again, there's the sound of the chairs scraping against the floor, many shuffling of feet and conversations bouncing from one student to another.

"Excuse me," Autumns says to Marie as Autumn swings her backpack over her shoulder and quickly walks towards James. She had to hurry before he got out. Autumn knows she must look ridiculous as she half-runs, half-walks to James. She lightly touches his arm and he turns his head and looks at her. Autumn is too nervous for a minute to say anything. When he raises his eyebrows that's when she snaps back and speaks.

"James - Hi." Autumn wasn't quite sure what she expected. A hug, maybe? For them to warp back in time to when they were just little kids and run around happily. Whatever she expected it wasn't this.

"Can I help you?" he asks with such coldness in voice. Autumn blushes and bites her lip.

"I'm Autumn. Your old neighbor, remember?" Autumn says, embarrassed on how desperate she sounds.

"Uh, no. Sorry." He says and Autumn's eyes begin to fill with tears.

"Oh, well, okay." Autumn says, trying to keep her voice light and cheery. She takes a step back from him and he turns around and walks away without once glancing back at her.

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