Play Day Contract

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"Autumn?" came a tentative whisper. Autumn groaned and buried her head under the blankets. Then came a poke in the head.

"Stop." Autumn said, her voice thick with sleep.

"Autumn?" said Emily's voice, louder now.

"What Emily?" Autumn's voice was muffled from under the blanket.

"You said we could play today. Remember?" Emily questioned. Autumn sat up and brushed her messy hair out of her eyes.

"It's like, seven in the morning." she complained, looking at the morning sun lazily shining into her room.

"It's almost ten!" Emily cried, exasperated. Autumn's eyes blinked slowly as she stared sleepily at Emily.

"Hmm." Autumn lays back down on her pillows, closing her eyes.

"Autumn!" Emily whines as she pulls the blankets off of her older sister. This time it was Autumn's turn to whine.

"Emily! I"m cold, give me it back." Autumn reaches to pull the blanket out of her sisters hands but Emily had a death grip on it.

"But you said you'd play with me - you promised!" Emily cried, determined. Autumn released the blanket and Emily stumbled backward slightly.

"Alright, alright. Just give me an hour to get ready."

"An hour?" Emily asked, amazed.

"Well I've got to shower and eat and stuff." Autumn said.

"Ugh." Emily sighs dramatically. Autumn rolls her eyes as she gets up and stretches her legs and arms. As Autumn begins to walk leisurely across her room picking out her outfit for today she can hear Emily making impatient groans and noises.

"Emily," Autumn begins to say, her patience wavering, "I'm not going to go any faster with you watching me like a hawk."

"Can't you at least try to hurry?"

"Why? What's the big rush? It's not even twelve yet."

"I'm afraid you'll change your mind. You haven't done anything with me in forever..." Emily mumbles off sadly. Autumn ruffles Emily's hair gently.

"I'll try to go fast, okay?"

"Okay." Emily says, nodding seriously as if they had made a legal contract. Emily runs downstairs leaving Autumn all alone in her room. Autumn smiles as she hurries to the bathroom and begins taking a shower.

Autumn steps out of the shower roughly ten minutes later. She wrapped herself in a fluffy blue towel as she makes her way to her room to get dressed. Hair dried and combed, clothes put on all nice and teeth brushed, Autumn heads downstairs to go find Emily. Autumn walks into the kitchen to see Emily sitting at the table, waiting for Autumn. On the opposite side of Emily there was a plate filled with waffles covered in syrup, strawberries and a glass of milk.

"You made me breakfast?" Autumn asks, astonished. Emily nods her head vigorously. Autumn raises her eyebrows, impressed, and sits down and begins to eat.

"So," Emily begins in a business like tone, "What are our plans for today?"

"Uh, I don't know. I thought you would have in planned out."

"Well I thought it would be better if it was consexual." Emily says seriously and Autumn bursts out laughing.

"What?!" Emily asks in both alarm and annoyance.


"Consexual...?" Emily asks, uncertainly, which causes Autumn to burst into the giggles. She leans over to ruffle Emily's hair but Emily jerks away.

"It's consensual." Autumn explains, red from laughing.

"Well how was I supposed to know? It sounds the same..." Emily says, clearly annoyed and embarrassed.

"Oh calm down, it's alright. But I don't know. Maybe we could go explore the woods out back." Autumn suggests with a mouth full of waffle.

"Okay. But we have to make a leaf pile today. And jump in it!" Emily says forcefully, giving her sister the death glare.

"Okay, okay. We will. I promise." Autumn says, seriously.

"Shake on it?" Emily asks and Autumn nods her head and sticks out her hand. Emily takes it and lets go almost immediately.

"Bleck!" Emily shrieks, "It's all sticky!"

"I must have got syrup on it." Autumn says, shrugging her shoulders. However, Emily wasn't listening to her. She was trudging over to the sink to run her hand under hot water.

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