Getting Ready

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A loud beeping wakes Autumn up at six in the morning. She pulls her sleepy head out from under the blanket and fumbles with the alarm until the awful sound dies. Autumn rubs her eyes and sighs as she hoists herself from off her bed. Autumn stumbles around in the darkness of her room until she reaches the light switch and flicks it on. Autumns squints at her room as she waits for her eyes to adjust to the darkness.

She looks around and the dirty pile of clothes that were laying on her floor, perfumes and lotions were messily thrown every, many were on the floor or on her nightstand instead of on her vanity like they were supposed to be. A few candy wrappers were laying on the floor, that she's been too lazy to pick up. Autumn sighs as she walks to her dresser to choose her clothes for today. She had recently just cleaned her room a couple of weeks ago and she promised herself to keep it clean. That obviously didn't happen.

Autumn rummages through all her new clothes in the dresser until she decides on a red tank top with blue flowers on it that was tight on the top, but became loose and ruffly as it went down and light blue jeans. She carries her clothing choice with her as she gets in the shower and the usual before-school-butterflies are fluttering in her stomach.

It was mostly the same, typical stuff Autumn worried about every year. If she would have any friends in her classes or in her lunch, if her classes would be too difficult...Stuff that mostly everybody worries about. Except Autumn had one more thing to worry about - James. What if their crossed never passed? Autumn was confused about how she felt about him. Because eight-year-old Autumn had the hugest crush on James that didn't exactly fade with time. But he's been gone for six years now and a lot could happen in six years.

What if he got a girlfriend? Autumn wonders to herself and bites her lip. It could happen...Just because Autumn never had a boyfriend doesn't mean that James couldn't have completely forgot about Autumn and moved on. But what was Autumn talking about? Of course James would remember her - their friendship was not one that someone could just forget.

Autumn gets out of the shower as she continues to give herself a pep talk that eases the butterflies in her stomach. Once she's dressed she runs a comb through her damp, light brown hair and goes to eat breakfast. She walks in to see her mother standing there in an overly large shirt that was Autumns fathers and pajama pants. Her mothers dark brown hair was infested with bed head.

"Good morning Autumn." her mother says in a sleepy voice.

"Morning mom!" Autumn says happily, even though her stomach was getting tight with worry.

"Do you want me to make you breakfast?"

"No thanks, I'll have an apple." Autumn says and takes out an apple from the fridge and rinses it off. She began nibbling on the apple trying to calm herself down. Autumn always hated how nervous she got - her mother often called her a worry-wart. Autumn always over thought everything and all the possibilities that could go wrong in the day and it drove her crazy.

"Hey mom?"Autumn begins to ask hesitantly.


"Could you do my make-up today?" Autumn asks and her mother gives her a smile and nods her head yes. Autumn could do her make-up fairly well, but her mother had many more years of practice and Autumn wanted to make good impressions on everyone today. So Autumn leads her mom in the bathroom and plops herself down on the closed toilet seat and closes her eyes while her mom does her make-up.

"Alright, you're done." her mother says as she takes a step back to examine her work. Autumn stands up and looks in the mirror and beams at her reflection. She looked so old and sophisticated. She couldn't wait to go to school and show James the new and improved her.

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