The News

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Autumn wakes up to her younger sister, Emily, poking her sticky fingers on Autumn's face. Autumn groans and rolls over to the other side of her bed.

"Momma says you gotta wake up." Emily pipes up, not afraid of her older sister's grouchiness in the morning.

"Go away, Emily." Autumn mumbles, trying to hide her head under her pillow. Autumn feels Emily crawling onto her queen sized bed and Emily begins to jump up and down.

"Emily! Knock it off!" Autumn growls and emerges from underneath the pillow and tackles her seven-year-old sister.

"No, no!" Emily says, trying to squirm from her grip, but also giggling because she knew what was going to happen to her. Autumn sits on top of Emily and pins Emily's hands above her head. With one hand Autumn holds Emily's hands together and with her other hand she begins to tickle Emily's armpits. Emily begins screaming wildly at the top of her lungs while giggling at the same time.

"Girls!" says their mother's distant voice from the bottom of stairs, "Breakfast is ready!" Autumn gets off of Emily, who was now panting. Emily looks at Autumn with her chocolate brown eyes. With a playful smile on Emily's face she says, "Race you to the table." Emily takes off giggling hysterically but Autumn continues to walk slowly down the stairs, allowing herself to wake up at her own pace. Once she walks from the living to the kitchen Autumns sees Emily grinning victoriously at the table, being served pancakes.

"Beat you." Emily says, sticking her tongue out at Autumn. Autumn rolls her eyes and turns her head to her mother.

"How come you woke me up so early?" Autumn asks while yawning.

"It's only nine o' clock. Besides, you've got a week until school, you better start getting used to it. You don't want to be late to your first day of being a sophomore, do you?" Her mother says to her with a weird grin plastered on her face. Autumn eyes her suspiciously as she sits down at the table.

"Why are you so happy this morning?" Autumns asks.

"Is it against the law to be happy?" her mom asks her, but still smiling.

"Okay..." Autumn says while turning her attention to the pancakes that were sitting in front of her. Autumn pushes back her messy honey colored hair and begins pouring syrup on the pancakes. her mother finally bursts.

"Okay! Guess what?" her mother says while seating herself across from Autumn.

"Uh...I don't know."

"We're getting new neighbors!" her mother exclaims and Autumn loses interest and returns to her pancakes. Ever since James moved they've had people move in and out of that house. Autumn hated every one of those neighbors. She felt as if they were invading James's house and the sanctuary she used to go to so many times as a kid. That house was part of her childhood and it never seemed right to her how people could just move in and out. Why her mother was so happy about this, Autumn didn't know.

Autumns looks up at her mom to find the goofy grin still plastered on her face.

"What?" Autumn asks, confused.

"Well, when they were moving in this morning I went to go say hi, guess who I talked to?" her mother asks, looking at Autumn expectantly. Autumn still doesn't know what her mother wants from her though.

"Uh, the new neighbors?" Autumn asks, slightly sarcastically.

"Mrs. Erickson. They're are new neighbors, Autumn." Autumn can't help it. A large smile crawls across her face and stays there for the longest time.

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