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Autumn walks into World History out of breath. She woke up late and got to school just in the nick of time. The classroom was excitedly buzzing with the promise of Friday that was so close. Olivia waves Autumn over to her and Lauren.

"Hey, so are you busy tonight?" Olivia asks.

"I'm pretty much never busy." Autumn jokes.

"Well my parents are letting me have a bonfire at my house tonight. So bring your pretty self over!" Autumn happily accepts the invitation. It would be nice to do something besides sitting at home and stare out her bedroom window, staring at James' house. Autumn takes her seat away from Olivia and Lauren as the bell rings and the teacher begins the class discussion.

The rest of the day drags on with the weekend being so close and the excitement hung so heavily in the air that it was almost tangible. Even though it was only their first real weak back to school, Autumn was anxious for the weekend. She had forgotten how exhausting waking up so earlier and being up and working for seven hours was. Finally, the sweet sound of the final bell rings and the kids are rushing out of the classrooms.

Autumn tries to push past the mass of students that were crowding the English hallway and gets shoved quite a lot as the seniors try to hurry out to be the first in the parking lot and beat the traffic. Autumn feels her phone buzz as she waits out in the crisp air outside. Autumn pulls out her phone and flips it open to find that she had one text from Olivia.

It'll start @ 6:30! We'll be serving cheeseburgers for dinner! :) Autumn smiles and her stomach rumbles from the thought of a nice, juicy cheeseburger. Autumn opens up a new text message and texts Olivia back.

Okay, see you there!(: Autumn hears a light honk and sees her mom in the parking lot waving at her. Autumn stuffs the phone in her pocket and hops in the car.

"How was school today?" her mom questions as Autumn throws her backpack in the back seat.

"Oh it was good. Could I go to Olivia's bonfire tonight? It'll be at six-thirty."

"Well of course. Just do the dishes before you go." her mom says and Autumn sighs. She couldn't wait until Emily was old enough to start doing the dishes so Autumn wouldn't get stuck with them nearly every night.

Autumn and her mother idly chit-chat on the rest of the way home about nothing in particular. As soon as they park, Autumn is already grabbing her backpack and off to the kitchen to start the dishes. She hated putting things off, she liked having knowing that everything was done and there was nothing to stress over. Autumn begins filling up the sink with hot, soapy water and she lets her mind wander.

As much as Autumn hated started the dishes, once she got going she found it very relaxing. It was all very rhythmic, and the hot water would warm up her always freezing hands and sent pleasurable goosebumps up her arms. She found peace in the pattern of washing and then rinsing. Washing and rinsing, washing and rinsing....Autumn was a girl or pattern; she despised change. Maybe that's why she couldn't grasp that James had changed so much.

Autumn washes the last pan and sets it down to dry. Before getting into the shower to get ready for the bonfire Autumn looks out the window and into James' backyard. So many powerful memories rush through her and almost leave her winded and fill her eyes with tears. Stupid, painful memories. They were good for nothing expect make her mourn over the best friend that she had lost.

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