County Fair

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Even though they only had school for two short days, Autumn was grateful for the weekend. Things were definitely not turning out as she had expected. How could she bring back someone who didn't even want to remember her? Someone who was pushing her away?

Autumn flops onto her bed, grateful that it was Saturday.Today she just wanted to sit around and mope about James. She knew she should just give up and let him go, that's what he wanted. But how could she just give up on him? There had to be some way to bring him back...

"Autumn?" she hears her dad shout from downstairs.

"What?" she yells back.

"Are you ready?"

"For what?"

"The demolition derby!"

"Oh...Do I have to go?" Autumn asks and strains her ears for an answer. She hears her dad walking up the stairs and he bedroom door swings open. Her dad is standing there with a determined look on his face.

"Why don't you want to go? We've been looking forward to this for weeks."

"I don't know, Dad. I just don't want to go anymore." she says and her dad studies her face.

"Well get out of your pajamas, it's noon. Get dressed and be ready to leave in fifteen minutes." he says while he closes the door. Autumn sighs and pulls some clean clothes out of her dresser. Her dad was as stubborn as a mule; there was no way she was getting out of this. Twenty minutes later Autumn and Emily were buckled in the car and on their way to the county fair.

"Daddy?" Emily perks up from the backseat.


"What is a...Uh...Demolition derby?"

"A demolition derby is where all these old, junky cars get together in this huge mud pit. Then when the horn sounds they all try to drive and crash into each other and the winner is the car with its engine still running."

"But...Don't they get hurt?" Emily asks worriedly.

"No, honey. They spray water on the dirt to make it muddy so the cars can't go very fast. Plus they knocked out all the glass in the cars so they can't get hurt. Everyone's wearing helmets and seat belts. It's all safe, dirty fun." her dad explains to Emily. Autumn pulls out her phone and texts Olivia. Hey, will you be at the county fair? Autumn's phone buzzes almost immediately afterwards.

Yeah, I'll be there at fourish. Autumn sticks her phone back into her pocket and begins listening to her dad rant about slow drivers.

"Hey!" her dad shouts excitedly, "See all those cars? We're here, let's take a look at some of them." they get stopped to pay a fare for them to get in and they park the car. Her dad begins pointing out all of the cars that would be used in the derby. They were all rusty, but painted bright neon colors. Some had funny phrases on them like "Kiss this". One car even had a unicorn glued to the top of it. That one was Autumn's and Emily's personal favorite.

"That one's my favorite." Autumn's dad says, pointing to a black and gold one; the colors of his favorite football team, The Steelers.

"Let's go see what this fair has to offer." her dad says as he let's Emily scramble onto his back for a piggie back ride. Autumn's dad begins take them around and shows them the various parts of the fair. They visited the poultry tent, where they saw various types of chickens, geese and even turkeys. They saw cows, pigs, bunnies and sheep. Autumn was having so much fun she forgot to mope about James.

Bringing him backOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz