September Rain

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The wind was blowing softly through the trees and ever so gently ruffling Autumn's hair. Every minute or so, a crisp, orange leaf would fall off of the trees and flutter onto the ground below. Autumn was sitting out on the patio furniture in this cool September air surveying the scene ahead of her. Being sick and stuck inside the house doing nothing for four days straight caused Autumn to become restless and extremely bored. So she went outside to sit and do nothing.

She wasn't planning to do nothing at first, however. Sitting on her lap was a notebook turned to a blank page and a pencil in her hand. Autumn had planned to come outside and draw the brown dying grass, the magnificent orange trees and the clear blue sky ahead of her but she just didn't feel up to it. Autumn was sitting at an odd angle on the patio chair - her legs were dangling over the arm of the chair. The cold metal felt good underneath her hot, sweaty legs though. The temperature was perfect for someone who was constantly hot and achy as a factor of being sick. The wind would send pleasant goosebumps up her arms and legs and the sun was close enough to send her the nice feeling of warmth but not enough to make her start to sweat even more.

Realizing that she wasn't going to start on her landscape picture anytime soon (more likely never) she peels the notebook off from her legs and places it on the table besides her. Autumn tilts her head back and up at the sky looking for any clouds that she could make shapes out of. However, the sky was nearly clear except for a few thin, long-stretched clouds that looked like nothing more than what they were. Autumn sighs pushes back some of her sweaty, uncombed hair off her face and allows her eyes to close. With the cold metal pressing up against her legs and the wind blowing gently it was no wonder that Autumn was slowly drifting farther and farther off into sleep...


Rain was a wonderful thing in the summer when you were feeling well and the warm, heavy raindrops poured on you and brought you the pleasant scent of freshness and cleanliness. It was another thing when you were sick and the icy droplets were coming down hard at you mercilessly.

Autumn gives the door an irritated kick, as if it was the doors fault for her own stupidity. How could she have really locked herself out of the house? Painfully hopeful, Autumn circles around the house again, rechecking all the doors and windows. Still each and every one of them refused to be pushed open. Autumn begins to shiver as the cold droplets hit her bare legs and arms. Feeling too sick to stand up she sits down against the side of the house and feels the back of her shirt begin to soak up water from the damp house. Her parents probably wouldn't be home for another three hours and since it was Friday Emily was probably off having a sleepover at one of her friend's house. Of course she had to leave her cell phone inside...

Autumn wraps her arms around her self as she tries to preserve any body heat she has and lets out an unlady-like snort as she feels snot beginning to drip out of her nose. Autumn's curls up her bare toes and releases them...Over and over again. She feel the snot begin to make its way down her nose again and she lets out another gross snort.

"Autumn?" she hears James' voice ask in amazement. Autumn lifts her head up to see James peaking out of his house standing half-way in the rain and squinting at her. She gives him a feeble wave and then goes into a coughing fit.

"Uh...What are you doing out here?"

"Oh you know," Autumn's nasally, sarcastic voice shoots out at him, "Just taking a shower." James rolls his eyes.

"Seriously." He says, demanding the answer.

"I'm currently locked out of my house." Autumn informs him as she rubs her feet which have turned bright red from the cold. James bites his lip and frowns slightly. Finally he says, "You wanna come in here until your parents get home?" As prideful as Autumn was, she wasn't going to turn down a warm, dry house. She runs across the yard and into his, getting her feet a fine layer of mud at the bottom. She hastily tries to kick off the mud but it's really no use.

Bringing him backOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora