I walked in and Dave and Ben were there to immediately great me.

"Iris, it's been so long how have you been," Ben asked.
"Good, oh this is Alec-"
"Well might I say if I wasn't gay I would go gay for you," Dave said.
Ben smaked him on the arm, "Dave that's now how we greet our guest," he turned back to Alec. "My apologizes, welcome to the family."
"Looks like it's going to be an adventure," Alec said in response.
We all laughed and they lead us into the living room.
"So, just get comfortable, where ever and we'll get the conversation rolling."
Dave and been sat in the love seat while the three of us sat on the couch.
"So, how did you meet," Dave asked Alec.
Dave and been looked like complete opposites. Ben had curly hair and brown eye, he was always so joyful and nice. While Dave was sarcastic and his almost green eyes with black died hair that was combed to the side, yet they were perfect together.

"We were in a coffee shop and I hear this girl order this highly caffeinated drink, and all I say is "some one needs to wake up". So she doesn't turn around to respond, but when she did she looked like she was about to whip me. When she just looked at me and I looked back. It was that moment when I knew I had to just marry this women. So, we started talking and talking until I just did it. I asked her to marry me.
"Aww, that's so sweet," Ben said looking to Dave.
"I remember when we meet."
"Yeah, at a gay bar. We were drunk, may have slept with each other and when I woke up. He was looking at me like a stalker and I kissed him. After we just acted like boy friends until we finnally were and a this year when the law passed we got married."

Alec smiled and looked to me, he was about to kiss me when I looked to Lila. He nodded and pulled back.

Ben stood up, "Ok I think the pasta is ready." He went to the kitchen and served us all. Ben was a better cook than...well every one.

He told the story of how they adopted Lila and their parenting fails with her. Dave told the story about how Lila would sometimes jump out of her bath and run around the house naked. I had to admit it was really funny.

At the end of the day we Lila drove us one after Ben gave us leftovers like a good parent and waved good bye.
"Oh my God, I missed them," I laughed.
"I know right, I still can't believe I did those things," Lila said driving to the freeway.
Alec grabbed my hand and looked down on me.
I look up "What," I asked.
He smiled and kissed me.
"Can you guys wait until you get out of my cat befor you start that," she said.
I laughed and pulled away from him, he looked a bit disappointed.
"In one month your going to be married holy crap," Lila said jumping up and down in her seat.
"You have the invites covered right," I asked.
"Yeah I'll send them out tonight but their all packed and beautiful,"
"Thank you so much Lila, for every thing," he said.
"Yeah, no problem," she said.

When we got home I knew I need to film a video, so I set up my camera and just sat and talked. I talked about how every thing has been crazy and advice about dealing with stress. I then posted a different picture of today to each social media sight. I grown used to fast editing to it took me an hour instead if my usual three to edit. The comments and tweets went off immediately after post. Sending me love and compassion for my trouble. I loved how right after a video I would get all these nice comments. Even the bad ones would be flooded out by the positive. I had to admit I loved the internet.

I changed out into more comfy clothes and sat on the couch to get caught up in Pretty little liers. I had to admit I'm obsessed, Alec kind of gave me a look as I fangirled and pointed. He soon left some where with out me noticing. I'm going to be hounest I don't blame him.

I made Vegan tacos because this was the only time I could eat what ever I wanted with out Alec picking at it. I was on the couch browsing Tumbler when Alec came in. I turned around and Mike and Ike who I may have forgotten about ran to the door and sat in Alec's path. Alec just steeped over them and came to the couch. I swallowed befor I kissed him.
"I don't want to me messed up, but...what the hell are those," he said pointing to my plate.
"Something I could only enjoy without you, leave me alone," I said hugging my food against my chest.
He threw his hands up, "I really don't care."
"Where did you go?"
"My friend Louis's, I kind of has to vent."
"I see also I'm on my period and I was going to text you if you could pick up...so," I said while handing him his keys the table.
"God, Iris," he sat up and left. I then fixed my self to a laying position on the couch and pressed play.
I must have fallen asleep because next thing I know Alec lifted me off the couch and into the bedroom. He pulled the sheet over me and I curled into a ball. He kissed me cheek and crawled into the sheet next to me.

Heart strongTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon