Chapter 16

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"Are you okay?"

"I'm very shaken." And I am, really scared. What the hell was with that guy? It's like he had it out for me, it was on his agenda to scare the living daylights out of me.

"He's very threatening, I know. But don't worry about him."

"But you were so scared." He holds my hand and sits down.

"Of course I'm scared of him, I'm not like him at all. He's disappointed in me because I'm completely different to him." Completely different, like me?

"Can I show you something?" I ask. I need to tell him about me.

"Of course you can."

"Okay close your eyes." Mo you can't refuse. Change now! I sit there for a few minutes waiting for her but when she doesn't do it, I kiss Connor, she freaks out and I change quickly. Connor gets the fright of his life, backing away against the door.

"You're a... you're a..."

"A wolf," Jerry says as he barges in. "I knew it, daughter."

"Daughter?" Connor and I say in unison.

"Missed me." Then he turns into a dark wolf and moves towards me. Mo!

"Go away, if you were my father, you would be in my life still." I growl loudly at him as does he. Then he pounces on me, knocking me onto my back. He bites into my neck and clamps on tight. I kick and kick with my back legs, I don't know how to fight. Mo, help. I hear nothing so I roll back on my front and run up onto the bed.

"Leave me alone!"

"Never." He jumps onto the bed and whacks me with his paw. I bark at him and run out the room. I run down the hallway, not realising he's behind me until it's too late and he's knocked me through the banister and let me fall onto the ground with a crash.

Nova, hold on. Funny, Damien said that last time he was saving me.




"Wake up for fucks sake!" I know that voice and I don't want to open my eyes to see him. Then I feel a foot imprint left on my stomach and I have to open my eyes in pain. "Finally. How you feeling you little piece of shit? Bad? Good!" I'm still in wolf form, tied down on a table, no the counter in the kitchen. Connor, Damien, anyone, where are you? I whimper in pain. "Don't worry I won't hurt you. You're my bargaining chip."

"Bargaining chip?"

"Yes, seems me and Alpha Ambrose have some things in common."

"What's that?"

"I want to be in charge and he wants you."

"Dad, let her go." Connor walks in, sees me on the table and rushes to my aid. Fumbling with the tape he strokes my fur to calm me down.

"Leave her son. We can be rich again and you won't be such a failure to me." Connor looks at me then stands up strong and stares at Jerry.

"No, I am not a failure and I will let her be free. I am happy." Jerry slaps him then kicks him down. I scramble to be up and defend him like he defended me.

"Calm it," he says and holds a knife to my neck. I quieten and let him bend down, out of my view to Connor. He was whimpering too. And all I can do is close my eyes and hope he'll be okay. Thankfully, someone answers my prayers. Alice storms in and pulls Jerry back onto his feet.

"Show some bloody manners you bully! Leave our son alone and let her go. She's only a girl." Jerry looks as if he's been stabbed. He quickly ripped the tape off me in one pull and I jump onto the floor. I change back to human and grip onto Connor as my legs buckle.

"She'll be fine, just take her to your room," Alice says and drags Jerry out of the room.

"I'm naked," I say to him. He nods and helps me lean against a counter, before taking his top off and pulling it over me.

"There, sorted." He picks me up and takes me upstairs slowly, his heat covering me. Lying me down on the water bed, he covers me up slowly and kisses my floor head as I pass into unconsciousness.


I turn over in pain and cry out. My back was aching.

"Selena," I hear Connor sigh and then I feel his hands rubbing my back slowly, adding a little pressure as he goes.

"Connor you don't have to."

"But I do," he says quickly. It's dark outside, I must have woken him up.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I'm here for you." I fall asleep soon after.


I wake up to sun coming through the curtains, not like Damien's dark room at all. I sit up and get out of the bed. Connor is fast asleep on the bed so I take a quick shower before coming out to find him sitting up in bed.

"Bloody hell!" he gasps when he sees the bruises given by his father.

"It's not as bad as they look," I tell him. "Honestly, I'm healing pretty quickly." He pats the bed for me to sit down and then starts prodding my sides and my eye.

"I hate him."

"So do I." We go silent as he stares at me. Then he kisses my neck, and my cheek and bruised side. A bang at the door gets out attention before Jerry storms in.

"Time to go Selena. I'm getting my crown now, I ain't waiting any longer." I scramble behind Connor.

"Never, she's not going anywhere." Connor wraps his protective arms around me and practically builds a wall around me. But unfortunately that doesn't stop Jerry.

"I don't want to hit you again son but I will."

"And then I'll get mom to come and stop you."

"She's a little tied up at the minute too, so get out of the way."

"I won't, I love her." An arrow gets shot in my heart and I feel Mo scream loudly.

"She's already got a mate. She's dying being away from him." I'm not dying am I? Mo? Of course I'm dying, I need my mate, and I need his touch you bitch.

"I'll come." The words leave my mouth before I can stop myself. Connor. "I love you Connor," I tell him as I get dragged away from him and his touch, his fingers slipping from my grasp.

"I'll get you back." I shake my head as Jerry pushes me out, restraining my arms from thrashing about.

"Don't think about changing either or running," he hisses. "My son is off limits. Anyway, remember you're half brother and sister." I never thought about that. It doesn't matter, he's important to me. Jerry shoves me in his black car and drives off quickly after tying me to the door handle

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