Chapter 19

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I open my eyes and find myself in a garden, lit up by the large moon in the sky. Tortoises were wandering in the grass, foxes sitting on rocks, parrots squawking in the trees. Little gold shimmers feel from the trees when they shook like little small fairies. And a wolf, lying in the middle of the garden, the fur, a midnight blue.

"Hello." I speak quietly for fear I might disturb the peace. The wolf gets ups and turns around showing me her yellow eyes. She bows her head then looks up.

"You're not meant to be here."

"Where is here?"

"You don't know who I am?" I shake my head

"I'm the moon goddess, your Luna. And you're not supposed to be here. Are you dead?"

"Dead?" I sit down and start crying. "I'm not dead." I feel arms wrap around me and I mumble, "Damien."

"Damien Ambrose. I've been watching him carefully. I think someone wants to meet you." A bright lights shrouds us and when I open my eyes, I'm met with an older man, holding his hand out to me.

"We can't be too long but I've been wanting to meet you." I take his hand and stand up.

"Who are you?"

"You've met my wife and son, and you don't know me. They don't mention me, it pains her but you must see some similarities between my son and I." I take a long look at him.

"You're Damien's dad." He nods and hugs me tightly.

"I'm glad he's found you. I'm glad it's you, you're perfect." The moon goddess touches my shoulder.

"It's time to go."

"Go where, cross over?"

"No, time to go home." I nod and look back at Damien's dad.

"Tell Damien I'm proud of the man he's become and I'm sorry for being so reckless." A tear tickles down his cheek but before I can stop it, I'm flashed back into bright lights and talking and a beeping sound.

I open my eyes slowly and cough repeatedly. I can't move properly, my body so weak. I can't make out the voices moving around me, but my back is cold from the ground. I'm sorry for being reckless.

"Selena, let me see her." Damien, that's Damien's voice. I want to run to him, but I can't, my body won't respond.

"She's in shock sir, we've only just got her breathing again." Breathing again? So I was dead; Jerry killed me.

"Damien," I whisper. Hands touch me all over. I start crying, pain taking over my body as my senses come back to life.

"Selena, stay calm. Damien is right beside you. I know it hurts but we're nearly at the hospital, please don't panic." They just said don't panic. So we won't panic even though we were just stabbed and could still be bleeding to death. Yeah, let's not panic.

"Baby I'm here." I feel his hands wrap around mine. "I love you so much."

"I met your dad," I say slowly.

"Shut up Selena." So I do. He probably thinks I'm insane. The bed moves and the noise gets louder as I'm moved. I must be in the hospital.

"Damien," I say again but I get no answer. The pain, Mo?



"Good girl. Right what's going to happen is we're gonna have to put you under okay and you're most probably going to change into a wolf but don't worry, the doctors we've got are wolves too. You'll be fine okay and I'm going to be with you this whole time okay."

"Where's Damien?"

"He has pack stuff to do."

"He was in the ambulance."

"Just pay attention to me okay, not him. What's the pain like?"

"Six maybe, I can't really feel anything, I'm all numb." And then I start crying again like a right baby.

"We have a really upset patient, can we just get her out," Rosetta says quickly.


"Guys she's coming round."

"No I'm not, I just have an incredibly painful hangover. What the hell happened?" I sit up slowly and groan.

"Easy." Hands touch my shoulders and lower me back down.

"It hurts." I open my eyes to find Rosetta, Ryan and Andy standing around the bed.

"Hey, welcome back." I smile then realise someone is missing.

"Where is he?"

"Still at the house. We've had a few deaths and they pack are meeting to sort things out."

"And he couldn't come see me."

"He wanted to, honest. He's the Alpha, he needs to stay at home."

"Yeah and guess what Rose, I'm the Luna and if he wants his mate he better get his ass here right now," I say angrily then yell in pain. Getting angry hurts.

"We'll get a doctor," Andy says and rushes out.

"I don't need a doctor, I want to go home." A doctor walks in carrying a clipboard which I can only assume is details about me.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Owen McGregor, I've been looking after you. You suffered a stab wound to your left side, just above your hip. Thankfully it didn't hit any internal organs but you lost a lot of blood. We've stitched you back together and in a few days, thanks to your wolf healing abilities, you'll be up and running again and this will be but a distant memories. If you're fine by twelve we'll let you go, but for now rest, you've had a long night." He looks at Rosetta and smiles then puts down the clipboard and leaves the room.

"Go and get him, I want him here when I get out." Rosetta nods at Ryan to leave, but I want them all gone. "All of you, go and drag him here." I mustn't get angry, but they were all being so unfair. So they walk out slowly, Rosetta being the last, before Andy takes her hand and leads her out. Least she has him, where's my mate? He better come, if he doesn't come, I'll leave him.

Or we won't cause he's our mate. Mo, oh Mo, you're alive.

Of course I'm alive, you're alive. I met the moon goddess and Damien's dad and I was dead, Jerry killed me.

Get some sleep okay. Jerry is gone and he won't hurt us again.

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