Chapter 12

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We sit in Damien's room, him and I, talking over what had happened, how it had happened. And he could not stop holding my hand, rubbing my fingers and drawing circles on my palms as we talked. I close my eyes and yawn, looking at the time and noticing it was nearly nine.

"Am I that boring?"

"God no, I've just had a long day."

"You and me both," he chuckles. "I was so worried when you started screaming. I honestly thought you were dying. Seeing your mate in pain, its heart breaking. And I couldn't do anything about it. You were crying, and I couldn't comfort you in any way."

"I'm sorry for scaring you. I was petrified. I couldn't breathe and I thought I was dying. And then I nearly gave up, I could see the world fading away..." I pause to think about this morning, and about the dream. Damien cups his hand on my cheek.

"You must never leave me. Do you promise?"

"Yes." He kisses me passionately and gently moves me down onto the bed. I hold onto his back, gripping tightly to his shirt. "Selena, I'm going to mark you."

"Will it hurt?" Are we ready? I can't think, my brain was going insane.

"Yes, but only for a second, I'll sooth you baby. I need you. Right here and now." I nod slowly and he pulls me into a sitting pose and gets behind me, massaging my shoulders as he kisses my neck.

"I'm scared," I whisper, my heart beating faster, hands shaking, Goosebumps forming.

"Don't be. Relax." As he massages me more, he starts humming a song, quietly but with emotion and I feel myself start to drift off.

"Damien," I say but he dismisses me with a shush. Then without warning, I feel his teeth pierce into my neck and blood trickles down. I grip onto his hand as I feel a wave of weakness flush over me. Then his teeth are gone and I feel a tongue lapping up my neck. And he starts massaging me and humming again as if nothing had happened. There is no pain but I feel more alive than ever. Just with Damien's presence, I feel warm. "Is it over?"

"Yes gorgeous. Now relax okay." He lies me down on the bed and continues massaging me, first on my chest then down onto my stomach, gently rubbing as you would when stroking a bird. My body feels heavy.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing my sweet pea. How are you feeling now?" he whispers.

"Sleepy, but good. My neck isn't even stinging."

"Our saliva act as sort of healing. It helps dry up blood and put a protective layer over the wound. This way you won't scar." I sit up, finally putting the pieces together.

"My leg and my arms. You licked them too?"

"I had to. You were going to die." I smile and rub his cheek.

"Don't worry about it." I lie back down again and pull him down too so he's lying on my chest. "What does my heart beat sound like?"

"Rhythmic, full, alive. And it's all mine, I stole it. The perfect crime and you stole mine the minute I saw you. There's no one I rather be with," he says slowly as if he was speaking in time with my heart. "We are one, our hearts beat together. And if one shall leave... the other shall break."

"Lie with me." He climbs further up and kisses me before lying down next to me and pulling the covers over us.

"What will it be like?"


"The funeral, what will it be like tomorrow?"

"Painful, but I'll be there the whole time. You just need to squeeze my hand," he says and squeezes mine to demonstrate.

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