Chapter 5

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I open my eyes then close them again and turn onto my side, letting my head fall into pillows. Then I open my eyes again, realizing that it wasn't my pink ceiling and I look up to see a topless guy lying next to me. Where am I?

The room is filled with pictures of wolves, on all the walls. It's the first thing I notice. They are all hand drawn and signed the same way, by the same person. The grand bed I am lying on took up most of the room but there are two doors which means there was probably a bathroom connected to the bedroom. There are large black curtains covering large windows letting no light in.

The room is a comforting temperature, not too cold, not too hot. The bed is boiling though, the heat mostly coming from the man beside me. But it isn't just a random man, it is Damien Ambrose. The Damien Ambrose, the knight in shining armor again.

I sit up, thanking my lucky stars that I have a top on and knickers.  Unfortunately, the top isn't mine. It smells differently and it is too big, reaching down nearly to my knees.  Pulling the covers back, I notice the bandages wrapped around my wrists, the bandage on my left wrist stained a dark red, pink color. Last night happened? I nearly died last night, again. I go to stand up, when my legs become jelly and I fall over.

"I wouldn't try to walk. You're still recovering and your body will still be filled with drugs". I look up to the bed to see Damien leaning on his side looking at me.

"Thanks for letting me know". I try to climb back onto the bed but I fall again.

"All my bottom parts are numb" I complain. When you sit for too long you get pins and needles, that's what my butt and legs feel like.

"Hang on Selena" he says and stands up and walks round, picks me up; lays me back on the bed then sits down next to me and starts tracing circles on my leg.

"Damien, take me home," I demand.

"I can't do that."

"I think you can."

"I can't. Selena, you need to stay here," he says. My heart aches, my head aches. Why is it that when he looks at me I get butterflies?

"Can I have a shower? I can feel my legs," I say.

"Of course. But you must not leave this room until I say so," he says sternly and helps me up.

"Fine. But I want some of my own clothes okay."

"Your wish is my command." He smirks and leaves the room. I walk slowly to the other door, guessing it was the bathroom and lock it once I'm inside. He is not peeving on me. I had to of gotten into these clothes somehow and I can guess he peaked as well. I undress and take the bandages off my wrists. There was a small scratch on my left wrist but other than that, they were healed, with no scars left again. I heal that quickly? Or did I imagine the slit wrists? It felt so real though.

I step into the shower and let the warm water run over me and wash away all the places that had been hurt, everywhere that someone's dirty hands had touched. Just thinking about it made me uncomfortable. I never want to be put in that position again.

When I finally get out of the shower, I walk into the bedroom to find my clothes lying on the bed. Damien. I get changed into the outfit. It is my white top and blue denim shorts with white flats. At least he has some fashion sense.

I peek out the window to see the sunny sun and a long back garden that spread out over the distance with various bushes and ponds and trees neatly in perfect places. This was the mansion his family had just bought. "Wow," I gasp. I turn around and look at the large room. I walk over to one of the walls and pull down one of the drawings. It is a drawing of a wolf and those eyes; they look similar to the brown eyes in the woods.

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