Chapter 4

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I wake up to a smashing headache. It was so bright in my room. I close my eyes and turn over. Feeling paper crumple I sit up and find a white piece of paper on my pillow.

I brought you home. Don't worry about Rosetta or Michael, they know where you are. Rest, it's Saturday.

Your Knight, Damien Ambrose xx

What a dick! Your Knight, what the hell does that mean? What happened last night? I remember the party and Michael, and. Oh... he tried to kiss me and then I was sick and then Damien popped out of nowhere. I drank so much.

"Darling go and get a nice hot shower. I've got water and aspirin for you downstairs." So my mother knows. She knows I was an utter fool last night. I am never getting drunk again. I stand in the shower for what seems like hours, waiting for my headache to subside just a little. When it doesn't, I get changed and walk downstairs.

"Mom," I groan.

"It's not the first and it won't be the last. Now take you're aspirin, it'll help." I shake my head as I down it. Embarrassment in front of my mother. This is worse that kissing my mom on the cheek in Kindergarten before school. I look at the crispy, greasy bacon she's eating and I run into the downstairs bathroom and be sick again.  I can hear my mother laughing, she did that on purpose.

"I'm going shopping. Sit in front of the TV and rest," she says, knocking on the door before leaving. I puke a few more times before walking out and sitting in front of the TV with a glass of water.

I wake up and find that mom has already put away the groceries and left again for work. I hide my head as I hunt for some grapes to satisfy my hunger. I cannot face anyone ever again, especially not Damien Ambrose. I wonder how Rosetta is. Just as I was thinking about her, my phone starts ringing. I pick it up and answer assuming it is Rosetta.

"Hey babe."

"Babe?" That's not Rosetta's voice.

"Who is this?"

"Open the front door."

"I don't think so," I say before running downstairs and checking it's shut. "What do you want?"

"You." I end the call and shove the phone across the table. I check the windows in the living room and that's when I hear the back door slam. I run upstairs, grabbing my phone as I go and hide in my wardrobe in my room. I rang 911.

"How can we help?"

"There's someone in my house. Help me," I whisper through tears. I hear the stairs creak.

"Where are you?"

"In my cupboard. I live at 24 Avenue Road." Just then my door opens. "He's here." My creaky floorboards can be heard with every step the person makes. I think I'm going to be sick. Suddenly the cupboard door is flung open and before I can move, I am dragged out by my shirt. I scream loudly.

"Let me go!" I am pulled onto my feet and lifted over his shoulder. He carries me downstairs quickly and out the front door. That's the last time I leave my keys in the front door. I can't see where he was taking me, I could only watch as the house got further and further away. Next thing I know, I'm being chucked into a van and my hands were being tied around my back. I start to cry, my hands shaking.

"Let me go please," I plead. The man who had caught me was laughing in the front. I want to slap him, but I can't cause my hands are behind my back.

"Keep pleading babe." I feel a cold stabbing pain in my arm and when I look, the guy in the back has cut me with a knife. My blood was dripping off the blade slowly.

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