"Why do you think they might have broken up?"

"It's just a feeling I have. I've been watching the way Hunter has been looking at you, all evening. He's not acting like a guy who's committed to someone else. He knows what he wants and little sister, it's you."

"Maybe they just had a fight?"

"That's possible. The only way we'll know for sure is if one of us asks him."

"I'm not asking him and neither are you! You promised me Liz you wouldn't say a thing. You can't go back on your word now."

"Okay, I won't but I don't know why you won't say something?"

"Because if I bring it up, I'll cry and I don't want him to know that when he picked Kelly instead of me, that it hurt. I'm too proud."

"Okay, I can respect that. I would probably feel the same way."

"Thanks. We both have to trust in God's plan. If Hunter and I are suppose to be together it will happen."

"Very true. Well, I need to go find Joe and you need to turn around. Someone wants to talk with you or kiss you or something." She says with a grin while walking away.

My heart starts racing as soon as Liz tells me Hunter is standing behind me. Just knowing he is so close has my emotions going crazy. I can barely think straight. As far as I know, he is still with Kelly so I don't know why I am standing here hoping he'll pull me under some mistletoe and kiss me? That's easy, because I'm still in love with him.

Right then I feel his hand on my bare back again and I can't help but smile. He seems to be taking every opportunity to place his hand there. "Uhm hi, what's up?"

"I've been looking for you everywhere. Harper is tired and needs to go to bed. I want to put her down in the guest room my parent's have set up for her, but she won't go to sleep until you read her a story. Do you mind? I normally wouldn't bother you, but I don't want her fussing, to ruin my parents' party."

"Of course I don't mind. I'm actually flattered she asked for me. Just tell me where I need to go."

"I'll show you." He says as he yet again places his hand on my back and starts to lead me up the stairs. "You know I should be jealous of you. I use to be the only one who could read to Harper but now all she wants is you to do it."

I just laugh. "What can I say? I'm good at what I do. I guess you'll have to step up your game if you want to be the #1 book reader."

Hunter just shakes his head. "God, you're confident." He says with that sexy side smirk.

"Yay, I am." Then we both start laughing.

When we approach the room that Harper is in I can hear her chatting away to someone. "Oh good Hunter found you, Liddy. Thanks for coming to save the day." Lynette says as she gets up from the rocking chair she was sitting in. "Now, if you excuse me I'll head downstairs and check on our guests."

Once Lynette steps into the hallway Harper calls my name. "Lids, read me story, peez."

"Sure thing Sweetie, what would you like me to read?"

"The bear book."

"Hmm, give me a second to find the one you want." Then I turn and mouth to Hunter. "Do you know which one she wants?"

He shakes his head, yes then holds up one finger letting me know he will get it for me. Within a few seconds he hands me the 'I Don't Care! Said The Bear' book. I smile and quietly say thank you.

"Now Harper, before I read you this book you have to promise me that you are going to go to sleep right after. No excuses. Promise?"

"I pomise." She says with the smile that reminds me of her dad's.

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