Interview with KittyKattt_

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I interview KittyKattt_ next, who's story I'm a Model that's undercover as a Nerd has 5.5 million reads and counting. It's a great story so you should check it out!


Who is your favorite author (It can be on Wattpad or in general)?


What inspired you to first start writing? Is it a big part of your life?

My sister was my big inspiration. I grew up seeing her and her friends make up stories and write back and forth and I realized I wanted to make my own story and when I came across this story I did. Yes, I would say it's a retry big part of my life.

What was your reaction when you first hit over 1 million reads?

When I first hit 1 million reads I was pretty close to tears because in reality I never thought I'd go this far. Looking back at the author notes for one of my first book I was so happy to even get to just 100 reads back in the day and now it's still crazy to think that I have millions of reads.

What can you say to frustrated writers who work hard but never get many reads?

Don't ever give up. I know it may feel like people don't like your book or that it's going nowhere, but I promise you it will get better. When I finished my story "I'm a Model that's Undercover as a Nerd" I had 20,000 reads and that was after a year of writing it. Overtime I've come to realize you really just have to be patient. Try to comment on other people stories and vote more. People will come to notice you that way. You don't have to ask people to read your story or ask them to do anything for you for your story. You just have to wait. Trust me in the end it will be worth it.

Can you connect to any of the characters in your stories?

Yes, in one of my stories the main character gets betrayed by her best friend and of course it's more severe in the story, but I could definitely relate to the feeling and now thinking back in pretty sure that's were the idea originally started to stem from. Another one would be from my story about a girl going undercover. Every time I look over that story again it just makes me want to keep a pure heart and not to judge or give up on someone because that's the type of person I wanted to be at the time I was writing that story.

Where do you get inspiration for your stories?

The comments I get from readers are definitely inspiring and just keep me going through the good and the bad times.

How did you find about this website [Wattpad]?

About 5 years ago I came across a fan fiction on Facebook and I was reading it for months until she said she was moving it to wattpad and when I downloaded the app to continue reading it I started to discover more books and ever since then I've been addicted.

What has influenced your current style of writing?

To be completely honest my dark times influenced my writing today. I went through a hard time with my best friends and lost most of them and when I was at a time feeling completely alone I would sit in my room and just write. No, it wouldn't be dark stories or anything like that like most people would think. I would actually write positive stories with great meanings behind most of them to just show life does get better if you just let it. And If I would have never lost my best friends back then then I'm 99.9% sure my stories wouldn't be the same as they are now and would actually have no personal meaning behind them.

Lastly, do you have any advice in general for up and coming wattpad writers?

Every time someone asks for tips I always tell them all the same three tips that I honestly believe help which are:

Make sure to have a nice cover that kind of stands out or is intriguing. The first thing people see before anything else is your cover, so if it's dull or doesn't look nice or interesting then a lot of readers will completely ignore it. If you're not good with making covers then go on my profile and look at my description. I have a few people on there who make great covers.

Make sure the books blurb and title is interesting. All it takes is one thing to pop out at the reader to get them to read it. It could be a mystery, a question, of even just a hint at the plot. Also, you can have a little sneak peak of a really good part in your story. That really gets readers at times. And just make sure your title isn't dull. Like for example I could've made the title of my one book: The Model. That's so dull and it would really grab anyone's attention.

Be patient. Believe it or not, I have never in my lifetime asked anyone to read my stories. Sure at the end of I every chapter it says to share it, but I have personally never asked someone too. How you really get people on wattpad to notice you is by  reading lots of books and commenting and voting. Sometimes some people will really like your comment and will follow you, then next thing you know they're reading your stories.


Thank you to KittyKattt_ for doing the interview! Check out her stories!

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