9. New Anika

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I woke up the next morning wishing I didn't, as events from yesterday came rushing back to me and previous emotions came back stabbing me in the chest. Armani and Mercy. I can't stand the thought of both of them being so intimate with each other. Mercy of all people, the only girl I trusted and thought that cared about me and my feelings. But you know what they say, trust nobody. That's what I'm going to start doing from now on. Trust no one and just do me. I have to try to not care about what people think or say about me. I have to start standing up for myself. I know it's easier said than done but that's the only way if I ever want to be happy and find peace.

The doorbell rang bringing me back from my thoughts and I went to go and answer it, only to see a postman standing there holding packages.

"Anita Johnson?"

"Yeah that's me."

"These are for you, can you please sign here for me."

"Those are for me?"I asked shocked. I didnt buy  anything online.

"Yeah" he said looking confused "now can you please sign this." He said handing me some gadget to sign on.
"Thank you he said and handed me the packages."

"Yeah thank you." I said and closed the door staring at the two packages. One was from Forever 21 and the other was from Axparis . Never have I shopped at those places before, my shopping stops at Primark and I'm not loved for anyone to buy something for me. I opened up the Axparis package and saw a beautiful white dress, which was lacey at the top and silky at the bottom. I then opened up the Forever 21 package and saw nice white sandals. Who brought me these?

My phone started ringing and saw that it's was Alex. I suddenly became nervous as I recalled the moment we shared yesterday when he walked me home. I've seen him as my brother all my life, but  now that we've shared saliva I know that things are going to change between me and him.

"Hey" I say answering the phone.

"Good morning, how was your night?" He cheerfully asked.

"It was good, yours?"

"Yeah mine was good still, thanks to you. I'm just calling to confirm tonight, I'm picking you up at six, wear what just arrived." He said

"These are from you?"

"Yeah do you like them?"

"Alex you didn't have to."

"I wanted to Anita it's time you start being treated like you deserve."

"I don't know what to say.Thank you."

"You're welcome beautiful see you later."

"Yeah definitely." I said smiling widely.

Just like that my mood was lifted and I'm not going to let anyone or anything spoil that. Not Mercy, Priscilla or Armani. No one.

I quickly had my bath and got dressed into my uniform, which I hate. It's brown and disgusting and the only thing nice about it is the lilac shirt.

"Bye mum."

"Where are your siblings?" She asked.

"Dressed and eating, in the living room. The twins are still sleeping."


"Alex called and asked for you two to go out, the only reason I'm letting you go is because Anita and David are sleeping over their friend's house, the twins are with my mum and I need the place to my self tonight. Be out of this house by 7 and don't come back until tomorrow, you can sleep at Alex's house or something I don't care about you. "

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