Chapter 50

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Hey guys sorry!! This book is just getting a little boring for me to write but I'm going to obviously keep going!! Still wondering if I should end this and make a sequel??
Anyways ya here's a chapter-

Matt's Point of view

I know I should fix things with Natalie. But there's really nothing to fix honestly. I have a baby on the way and I know I always have to be there for him or her.

"Natalie can we talk?" I asked her and she was talking to everyone.

"Yeah" she said awkwardly.

We went out to the deck and sat down on chairs facing the water.

"So I know Miranda's having the baby and I know we can't do anything about it. But I really love you. And know when that baby grows up, I'm still going to want you. Be there for you. But I'll always love you no matter what" I told her.
She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Let's go get some drinks" she said taking my hand.

She got a strawberry dackery and I got a Corona.


After a few we were all pretty drunk.
Well at least that's what Ava keeps saying.

Music was playing and Natalie and I were grinding on each other and she grabbed my dick and I grabbed her ass.

"Matt. Do you want to?" she asked.

"Fuck yes" I said.

I grabbed her hand and we ran to my room and double locked the door.

I slowly undressed her and she undressed me and we did you know. I slid my junk in her and that happened for about 30 minutes of her moaning and it was sexy.

I left hickeys on her boobs and she left some on my chest.

I unlocked the door and got back in my bed with Natalie's naked body up against mine.

*Next day*
Natalie's point of view
I woke up naked the next morning.
Oh my god I had sex with Matt.

I grabbed my clothes while the rest of the boys were sleeping and changed in to it.

Thank god I wasn't wearing a dress. I had in flow-y black shorts and a black crop top.

I slipped on my Tory Burch sandals and stood up. And I sat right back down. I was so sore oh my god.

"Matt" I said shaking him.

"Hmmm" he asked rolling over.

"we had sex last night" I told him.

"Oh my god" he said and his mouth dropped but than he smirked

"I can't walk" I said to him.

He laughed and put on his boxers, sweatpants, and a t-shirt.
He picked me up bridal style and we were meeting everyone upstairs for breakfast.

"Natalie what time did you come back last night?" Cameron asked.

"Actually I stayed over at Matt's" I said and Cameron clenched his fist.

Cameron knows how Matt hurt me and Cameron's literally my brother.

"Someone get me eggs, and pancakes" I said.

"K" Gaby said and got up.

She knew my situation.

"That's the fastest she's done something for you" Carter pointed out and everyone laughed.

Matt picked me up bridal style.

"Let the bitch walk" Nash laughed.

"Um" I said nodding for Matt to put me down.

He put me down and stood right by me.

I moved and fell over.

"MATT YOU FUCKED HER SO HARD SHE CAN'T EVEN WALK" Carter yelled making everyone laugh and they all high-fived Matt.

I got on Matt's back and everyone got ready to go on the island to the Bahamas.

Everyone met on the fourth floor so we could get off the ship.
We got off and it was so gorgeous here.
And btw I can walk again.

We took a couple group pictures and Individual pictures and pictures with other people and stuff.

"I'm making a video of everything we do" I said.

"Same" all the guys said.

"PARASAILING" I screamed.

"I'm going" Nash and Hayes said at the same time.

We got on to the boat with everyone and Nash, Hayes, and I got seated and stuff.

"READY?" the guy asked and let us go back with out us saying yeah.

We flew up and I started recording with my GoPro.

"It's so pretty" I screamed.

"I KNOW RIGHT" Hayes said back.

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