Chapter 30

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Natalie's point of view

"matt i had the worst dream" I told Matt as we woke up getting ready to go to Denny's for breakfast.
"That sucks" Matt said kissing my lips.
"I know" I said.
"I miss Gaby" I complained.
"You saw her like 2 days ago" Matt laughed.
"Exactly, Two days to long" I said.
"i'm going to go get Hailey because she's my only friend" I told Matt because he needed to shower.
I went to Hailey's room and took her out of her crib.
I took her back to my room and laid her on the bed.
"Your so cute" I said to her over and over.
"Can I have my child back" Ava said.
"No she likes her Aunt Natalie more" I said kissing Hailey's cheek.
"What do you guys want to do today" Nash said.
"I want to go Camping" cameron said.
"Me too" Taylor said.
All the boys agreed and so did I, I love camping.
"Wait Jack Johnson and Carter And Shawn and Jacob and Aaron are coming in today so let's wait for them." Cameron said.
"Ok so Girls go home and pack your stuff and we'll go buy the things we need" Nash said.
"WHAT DO WE PACK FOR CAMPING?" I screamed to Ava.
"I don't know" Ava laughed.
I groaned and got underwear, random t-shirts, shorts, and bras, and bathing suits.
I packed all the other things I need like deodorant, toothbrush, etc.
when the boys got back they had their stuff besides Jack since he lives here.
"Lets go Camping" Cameron screamed.
"Hey Shawn and Aaron" I said hugging them.
"What about me?" Jacob said.
I laughed and hugged him.
"Okay so we need like 2 or 3 cars?" I said.
"I have a jeep so I can take 4 other people" I said.
"Cameron, Me, Jacob, Taylor" Nash said.
"Shotgun because I'm not driving" I laughed.
"Nash your driving" Taylor said.
We All got in my car while the rest of them work out the other stuff and we left.
"It's gonna take a while to get here" Nash said.
"We were about one hour away! And there's a surprise tomorrow morning" Nash said.
I slept the rest of the ride.
"Wake up stupid were here" Nash said.
"Thanks your so nice" I smiled at him.
We started setting up our tents, well I didn't know how to do that so they did it for me.
I blew up my air mattress and put it in there.
Eventually when everyone else got there, we had a fire going and music playing from a radio. Everyone got their tents organized and yeah it was cute.
"I'm going Paddle boarding" Ava and I said.
I went to go get changed in to my bathing suit and I just put on a basic black bathing suit.
I waited for Ava and we walked out and grabbed a paddle board.
Ava was on one and I was on the other.
I just started getting the hang of this thing and my balance was actually pretty good😄😅.
"I think there's a manatee under you" Ava laughed.
Something bumped me really hard causing me to fall off.
Ava started laughing so she fell off.
"Stupid manatee" I laughed.
I got back on and started paddling back to the camping site.
I got off and grabbed a towel.
"Look there's birdys on my mommy" Hailey said to me.
I started laughing when i looked over and there was birds flying down and pecking her.

*Next morning*
"matt" I said noticing he wasn't in my tent.
I walked out and looked to the left and right.
"GABY" i screamed.
I ran and jumped on her and thankfully she was able to hold me.
"You saw me like 2 days ago" She laughed.
"Yeah i know, 2 days to long" I laughed.
"You flew by yourself?" I asked her.
"No Hayes came with me" She said.
"Hayes!" I said as I saw him walking near the boys and the kayaks.
"Hey" He said in a girly voice.
I laughed and went back to talking to Gaby.
"Can we talk for a second" I said to her.

"Good morning babe, There's eggs and toast over there" Matt said kissing me but interrupting me .
"Ok thank you" I said to him.
He hugged gaby and then went near the boys.
"What's going on with you and Nash?" I asked her.
She hesitated, "Well I like him a lot and he likes me but he has not asked me out yet, but we like kiss a lot and he treats me like his girlfriend" She said.
"So is it like Instagram official?" I said.
"i don't know, Watch" She said getting up.
She walked over to Nash and he started kissing her really intense and I laughed.
He whispered something in her ear and she nodded and walked away.
She came back and I started laughing.

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