Chapter 57

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Riley's POV

  I go to the support group the next day, determination of getting Cole back set in my mind.

  I walk into the room of the youth centre and see him sitting in the back of the room, waiting for the session to start. I slowly walk over and take the seat next to him.

  "What do you want Riley?" He sighs.

  "Cole, that whole thing with that guy last night isn't what you think. James isn't or ever was boyfriend." I tell him.

"Are you sure about that?" He inquires.

"It's just really messy between us. Okay, I used to like him, but then he broke my heart and now he's coming back again acting like he's sorry and claiming that he likes me. But I do not like him." I state. I smile weakly, taking Cole's hand. "I like you."

He jerks his hand away.

"I seen the way he looks at you. He obviously likes you. And I don't want to steal another guys girl." He replies.

"But you won't be stealing me from James because James doesn't even have me!" I exclaim.

"I know but it just doesn't feel right. And I don't want to to compete with him either."

"There is no competing between you and James! I like you and not him, alright?" I respond.

"I like you Riley. But James does too, and you two have a past. I think you should give him a second chance before chasing after me." He sighs. He gets up from the chair next to me and moves across the room just as today's session starts.

I listen to the session. Listen to what everyone has to say. But I don't say anything.


After yesterday's support group session, my mom thought that I looked sad, which is true. So today, she's taking me and Taylor to the mall to go shopping.

"You can get some back to school clothes as well." She announces while parking the car. Sometimes I forget it's summer since the weather isn't very good. I'm actually quite excited to go back to school. When I lived with my father, I didn't get to go very often, just enough to keep my grades up to pass.

We walk through the doors of the mall, Taylor immediately going on about the stores she "needs" to go to.

"Where do you want to go Riley?" Mom asks me.

"I'm, I don't know." I reply. I haven't been to an actual mall since my real mom was alive.

"Well we don't have much time, so how about I bring Taylor where she needs to go and we meet back here in an hour and then go around together?" She suggests.

"Yeah, that works." I reply. She hands me some money and then we go our separate ways.

I sheepishly walk around, not knowing where to go. I walk into one store that looks like it sells the kind of clothes that Michelle and the other girls from the studio wear.

I go through the racks of clothes, picking out a top that looks like my size. I dig through another pile of shirts, looking for my size until I see Michelle walk into the store. Followed by James, and the majority of A Troupe. I duck behind a rack, making sure I can see them but they can't see me, but by the looks of it, they're probably going to be here awhile.

I put the top back and try to make a quick exit to the door.

"Hey Riley!" I hear from behind me. The voice belonged to James. After all, Michelle hates me and everyone else in A Troupe do as well since I "stole" Michelle's bracelet.

"Hi." I respond coldly, turning around.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Look, I really need to go back to my mom and sister so-"

"I thought your mom and sister were dead." Michelle giggles, wrapping her arms around James. "Or do you mean your fake mom and sister?"

Everyone else walks up behind them, glaring and scowling at me. I cross my arms and shyly look down.

"I need to go." I mumble quietly as I turn around and walk out of the store.

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