Chapter 43

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Riley's POV

I was given a full checkup at the hospital to check for any internal injuries. Luckily, I was fine aside from cuts and bruises.

The police came to questions me. By now, it was night, and I was tired. But I still had visitors. James and his mother.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" Mrs Cavanough asks me.

"Fine." I reply quietly. James stood off to the side, just looking at me.

"I spoke to the people at work, and they are allowing you to stay with me at my house for now instead of in their custody with the rest of the foster children until someone is willing to foster or adopt you. Are you okay with that?" She asks me slowly. I nod a little in response as I stare at the ground. It was all too much to take in right now.

"How about I leave you two alone for a minute?" She suggested, referring to James and I. Neither of us said anything, but she left anyway.

I didn't know what to say. I picked at my nails and remained silent.

"I know I promised you Riley." James finally spoke. "But what else was I supposed to do? Stand by while he kills you?"

"He wasn't going to kill me James." I spoke sharply.

"How do you know that? You were just barely conscious when the ambulance took you away! Gave him another hour or two, you would probably be dead because by the looks of it, he had no intentions of letting up beating you when the police barged in!" He snapped back. I didn't know what to say, because it was true.

"You're right." I admit. "I'm sorry for getting mad. It's just a that he was all I had left."

"Well now you can have a new life. A better one." He says, sitting down next to me and putting his arm around me.

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