"Oh honey, I am so sorry you have to go through this." She says as she gives me a hug.

"Thanks. Let's just go and get this over with. I can't promise you I will be able to stay very long, especially if she's hanging all over him, but I at least need to make an appearance. Maybe we should take separate cars? I don't want to ruin your evening if I need to leave early."

"Don't be ridiculous. If you are upset and want to come home then Joe and I will leave with you. We'll just use the excuse that something came up with one of the kids. Okay? Sound like a plan?"

I shake my head, yes. "God, I love you. You are the best sister ever."

"And don't you forget it." Liz says teasingly. "Now grab your coat and purse. We can't keep Joe waiting forever."


Hunter's POV

I have to admit I was dreading going to my parent's Christmas party until yesterday. Now, that I know Liddy is still attracted to me, I plan to use it to my advantage. Since I only have a few days to win back her heart before Ryan returns. I pray I can do it.

"Hey baby girl, it's time to get dressed for Grammy and Grampy's party."

"No daddy, I want to play tea party."

"But you can play tea party tomorrow." I say as I kneel down beside her. "Everyone will be so sad if we don't go. Grammy was looking forward to seeing you in your new dress."

"She was?"

"Yes, she was. Lots of people are going to be there. Matt and Stephanie, Andy and Melissa and their kids, Liddy and"

"Jett be there?" She asks excitedly.

I try not to laugh. My little girl has such a crush on Andy's oldest son. "Yes, I believe Jett will be there."

"Hotay. I go."

"Well, we need to put on the dress that Liddy picked out and fix your hair, first."

"Hurry daddy!" She says as she tries to pull her shirt over her head.

I just smile. God I love her.

Forty minutes later we pull into my parent's drive. "Looks like we are the first to get here, punkin."

"No Jett?" She asks with a sad face.

"Not yet but soon, I promise." I say as I unbuckle her and help her out of her car seat. "Here you can give Grammy her gift, okay."

Seeing the pretty wrapping paper and bow, puts a smile back on her face. "Hotay." She says as she skips up the driveway.

Once we let ourselves in, we head straight for the kitchen. 

"Hunter don't you look handsome in your suit and Harper aren't you beautiful!" My mom exclaims as she busily fixes some appetizers. "That has to be the prettiest dress I have ever seen."

Harper blushes and hands my mom her gift. "Here Gammy. For you."

"Oh, thank you, honey! Would you mind putting it under the tree, in the living room? Grampy can help you."

"I certainly can." My dad says as he holds out his hand for Harper to take. "Follow me."

"Hotay." Harper says as she walks beside my dad to their beautifully decorated Christmas tree.

"So what can I do to help?" I ask as I take off my suit jacket and start to roll up my sleeves.

"You can put your jacket back on. You only have one job tonight and that is to flirt with Liddy and try to win her heart."

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