Chapter 29~ Choose Wisely

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Tom's POV

I've not left the doctors office. I've not left Sparklez side. Champ said I could go into the room every once in a while, but I couldn't stay all the time. He said that Sparklez might start screaming again.

It'd been a few hours since the last time I checked on him.

I got up and walked into the room. He was awake. I stayed as far away as I could from the bed. I didn't want him to start again.

Sparklez eyes were black. They've been black since we've had to keep him here. I didn't talk. I just looked at him.

I could've sworn I saw a tear fall down his cheek.

I wish I could help Sparklez. That should be me there, not him. He's never done anything to deserve this crap.
Jordan's POV

I was in a pitch black room. The only light that was on shone down on me. I was tied to a chair, my wrists and legs tied down.

"Hello?" I called out. That's the first I've heard my voice in a few days.

No answer. Instead I heard a door open. I looked around but saw no door. Then a screen appeared in front of me.

It was in a doctors office. It must be Champ's.

I saw who I've been wanting to see walk in.


He walked to a chair and sat down, far away from me. He didn't say anything. He just stared. He had glossy eyes.

I started to cry.

The screen faded away, and the last person I wanted to see appeared. It was Nade. He walked over to me and stared. I'm sick and tired of him.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." I snapped.

"Ooh, sassy Jordan. I like." Nade said. "Well I'm sorry to break it to you, but I'm Tom's. If you do anything he will have your head off." I said. I'm pretty sure without a doubt, Tom would have Nade's head off.

"Such a shame that he's not here." Nade said. "Why are you doing this to me?" I asked.

He just laughed. "Oh Jordy, many reasons. The main is because of Tom." He said.

"What about Tom?" I asked.

Nade looked at me straight in the eyes, and said, "That he's with you, and not me."

I smirked. "Jealous much?" I asked. Shouldn't have. Nade punched me on the jaw hard.

"I've known him longer!" He yelled. I didn't say anything. He punched me again.

"You found love where it wasn't supposed to be Jordan. Right in front of you. Tom." Nade said.

"If you like Tom so much why didn't you ask him out?" I asked, yelling.

"I couldn't. I was scared." Nade mumbled.

"Of what?" I asked.

"That he wouldn't feel the same! That he would hate me!" He yelled. "I'm pretty sure Tom hates you more than anything right now." I mumbled, earning another punch.

"You will break up with Tom, or I will let Guard Tom kill your mother." Nade said. My stomach dropped. I am not breaking up with Tom, and Guard Tom will not kill my mom.

Nade clapped twice, and a dark figure appeared. I noticed it right away.

Guard Tom.

He was sitting down, head held low. His skin was pale. Almost white. He was holding onto a large sword that had blood at the end. He started rocking back and forth.

"What did you do to him?" I asked. Nade ignored me. Guard Tom stopped rocking. He slowly lifted his head. He looked at me and smiled, turning his head sideways.

His eyes were fully black except two tiny white dots. He started to rock again, still staring at me. He was still smiling.

"We gave him the save thing we gave you. Soon, you'll be like him. That is, unless you agree to dump Tom and I will give you medince that will heal you. Or you stay with Tom and we will kill your mother." Nade said. Guard Tom spoke. His voice was no longer a high voice. It was a deep, scratchy one like the one I had.

"Choose wisely."
The song I Found by Amber Run is such a beautiful song to me. It reminded me of this and I was like WOAH. This needs to be in a chapter.

If you talk enough since then you'll lose your mind.


Question: Do any of you listen to Twenty One Pilots?



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