Chapter 3~ Mixed feelings & another new kid?!

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Tom's POV

After school, I walked to Cherry Ridge. It's the farm that Farmer Steve works at.

When I reached the farm, I saw Steve picking apples and putting them into a basket.

"Hey Steve!" I dropped my bag beside the front gate and walked over to him. Steve picked the last apple from the tree then turned to me.

"Hello mate. How was ye day?" Steve asked.

"It was good. Someone new came." I said. I took the basket from him and headed inside the farm.

Steve followed after me. "Yeah? Who was it?"

I put the basket down and picked up an empty one. "His name is Jordan Sparklez. He's quiet, but he is good looking." I said, quickly covering my mouth after.

Steve chuckled. "What did ye say?"

I felt my face heat up. "Nothing!" I quickly ran back outside.

Steve followed me. "Of course ye said nothing, Syndy. Of course."

I looked back at Steve to see him smirking.

"Shut up."

I turned back around and walked to a tree with apples.

"Y'know Steve, it'd be a lot easier if we cut down the trees." I said, picking the apples. The basket was getting heavier and heavier.

Steve put down his basket and walked over to me. "Ye think so?"

I picked the last apple on the tree. "Yeah. Then with the saplings that are left over you can just replant them." I put the full basket down.

"Let me go find Ke$ha." Steve said.

I remember making Ke$ha and giving it to Steve. Ke$ha is a very strong axe.

Steve walked into the farm. A few minutes later, he came back out with the silver axe.

"Wanna try, mate?" He asked, handing me Ke$ha.

I took the axe and walked over to a tree filled with apples. I swung the axe at the oak, causing it to fall.

The oak wood fell neatly and the apples that fell were all over the ground. I grabbed the basket from the ground and walked over to the apples.

Steve walked to the fallen oak and began hauling them inside the farm. I finished picking the apples up off of the ground and brought the basket inside, along with

I sat the basket down beside the others and sat Ke$ha up against the wall.

"I'll be back tomorrow, Steve!" I said.

He turned around from the oak and said, "Okay mate. And maybe tomorrow ye can tell me how the new kid has the looks." He smirked.

I quickly turned around and ran out of the farm. I grabbed my bag by the front gate and started my walk home.
When I got home, dinner was already cooking.

I walked into the kitchen. Alice was helping mum cook.

"How was school, Tom?" Mum asked.

"It was good. I made a new friend." 

"Was it Dg?" Mum snickered. She knows that nobody at school can stand him.

"Shut up! No, it wasn't. His name is Jordan."

She nodded. "What's he like?"

"He's quiet. But he's nice." I left out the part that I told Steve. About Sparklez having good looks.

school of mianite ➳ syndisparklez ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن