Chapter 11~ Mot's huge mistake Pt 1

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Before we begin I just wanted to show you this. I thought this was absolutely amazing to actually talk to someone who reads my story. I hope you are fine with me showing this. YOU KNOW WHO THOU IS. Proceed.
Tom's POV
This was absolutely horrible. The school is burnt down. All because of two people.

Mot wanted the portal to wherever the hell his home town is, and Dg helped and failed.

Mot was still on the ground. I punched him pretty hard. I turned to Sparklez. His eyes went wide.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to punch you. I would never do that." I said. He smiled.

"I know you won't. I've just never seem you like this." Sparklez said. I sighed and nodded.

"Well can you go get the others? We need help on this. I'll stay here with Mot." I said.

"Tom I don't trust you to be alone with Mot." Sparklez said. "I won't do anything. I promise." I said. He nodded.

"Can I borrow your angel ring?" He asked. I slipped it off of my finger and tossed it to him. Sparklez caught it, put it on, then started to make his way towards Wag.

I turned back around to the two. Dg was still passed out of the ground. I looked at Mot. He was standing up.

"Why do you need a portal to here? And why was it inside the school?" I asked.

"My home town is very far away. And I have reasons for why I need it inside of the school." Mot said.

"What's your home town?" I asked. He sighed. "Urulu."

I nodded. "Now tell me the reason why you needed the portal inside of the school?"

"I wish not to tell." Mot said, looking down. I walked over to him. He was still looking down. I reached into my pocket and got out a small blade I 'borrowed' from Tucker, and held it against his neck.

"Last chance. I don't have time for this bull shit, Mot. Tell me now." I said.

His eyes grew wide. "Okay, okay. It's for my daughter.." Mot said quietly. He had a daughter? Who's the Mom?

"Who's the mom?" I asked.

"She died in a fire." Mot said. "I'm sorry man." I said. He nodded. "Her daughter was the only person who survived, so I adopted her." he said.

"So what's your daughters name?" I asked. "Alyssa." Mot said. I nodded.

"But still man you could've put the portal outside of the school." I said.

Mot sighed. "I didn't want to." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I need the stuff for Alyssa. She needs to be educated." Mot said.

"You could've brought her here!" I raised my voice.

"I didn't want to!" He yelled. "Why not?!" I asked. Mot huffed. "I said I didn't want to!" He said, pushing me down hard.

I fell to the ground. It hurt like hell when he pushed me.

I reached my hand in my pocket to look for the small blade. It wasn't there. I felt around on the ground. It wasn't there.

"Looking for this?" Mot asked. I looked up at what he had to see he had the blade. Shit.

What the hell am I doing still laying on the ground? I began to sit up but Mot kicked my chest, making me fall straight back down.

"Don't make me mad, Thomas." Mot said.

I couldn't speak. He kicked my chest so hard.

"Can't speak?" Mot asked. I sent him a death glare. I wish looks could kill.

He bent down beside me, the blade still in his hand.

"Speak." Mot said. I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn't say a thing. Why oh why does this have to happen to me?

"You don't wanna speak?" He asked. I tried my hardest to talk but I still couldn't.

Mot chuckled. "Oh well."

Then, he grabbed both of my arms, and held me down. Not is strong I must say. He was only using one hand to hold both of my arms down.

With his other hand, he had the blade in it. I closed my eyes knowing what would happen.

Please help. Anybody.

"Mot Screaziato."

I opened my eyes to see the blade hovering above my chest. Mot was looking up.

Someone had walked to us. I turned my head and saw red. Dianite. Thank god.

"What on earth are you doing, boyo?" Dianite asked. Mot's face turned red.

"Sir I was emptying Thomas off of the world. He has made me upset." Mot said.

Dianite nodded.

"I like your ways." He said. What the actual fuck is he doing?

'Don't worry. I'm saving you.'


Dianite sent me a look. I nodded.

"Thank you sir." Mot said. Dianite nodded. "Now, tell me boy. Why did he make you upset?" Dianite asked.

"Things." Mot said. Dianite nodded. "I don't like my champion keeping things from me." Dianite said.

Champion?! Excuse me but last time I checked, I signed up for that.

Dianite sent me another look. Mot looked at him, then me. Before anyone could do anything, Mot raised the blade high above my chest, then stabbed me.

Pain. Pain was all I could feel. I heard someone scream. I turned my head to see Sparklez running towards me.

Wag, Tucker, and Sonja was behind standing back. Sparklez pushed Mot out of the way and got down beside me.

I looked at him and smiled before darkness filled eyes.

This was it. I'm dead.
This is short, I know. It's a two parter or whatever. Pls don h8 meh.


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