Chapter 15~ Revival

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Jordan's POV
I sat at the top of the towers, letting the sunlight hit my face.

I know it's only been a few days, but I miss Tom like crazy. I know I saw him yesterday and this morning, but it feels like I've not seen him in ages.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Ianite.

"Hello m'lady." I said quietly. "Hello Jordan. What seems to be troubling you?" She asked.

Ianite is asking me what's wrong? When Tom his dead?

"Nothing." I replied.

"Jordan, sometimes the strongest amongst us smile through the pain. I understand Tom is dead, but you should be happy." Ianite said.

"Why should I be happy?" I asked. I surely wasn't happy. It felt like a part of me has been ripped off.

"Because Tom is being revived today." She said. I spun around.

"He is?!" I asked, a smile growing across my face.

Ianite nodded. "It will happen shortly. The thing is, Tom will be living by himself. His family his moving now I believe." She said.

"Can't we tell them to wait until the revival is done?" I asked.

Ianite shook her head.

"Dianite and I said that if Tom is revived before they move, then they won't move. He's still not revived so he will be by himself." Ianite said.

"That sucks.." I said.

Ianite closed her eyes for a moment then opened them.

"Is anything wrong?" I asked. "The revival is happening. I must go." She said.

Finally, Tom is getting revived.
Dianite's POV
I sat on a chair in Thomas's room, waiting on Ianite to appear. Within a few seconds she was here.

"When shall we start?" Ianite asked.

"Anytime." I said. She nodded. "Tom is wanting to be revived, correct?" She asked.

"I wouldn't have asked for you to come if he wasn't ready to be revived." I said.

Ianite giggled.

"Now, we have a body to revive. How do we do this?" I asked.

Ianite told me everything I needed to do.

I placed both my hands on Tom's, and focused. Soon, my eyes turned a glowing white. I began to get weaker, but I knew that it was working.
Tom's POV
So there I was, minding my own business, when I blinding light filled my eyes, surrounding everywhere.

I shielded my eyes. The revival must be happening. Suddenly, I felt my chest beginning to move. My heart beat was returning. I was breathing.

Then I felt pain. More pain than when Mot stabbed me. When I get back, I'm going to show him how it feels. No I shouldn't, he has a daughter. I should punch or slap him.

The light became brighter and brighter, the pain became worse and worse.

I didn't think being revived would hurt, but it does like hell.
Darkness. It was all I could see, I guess you would say.

"Thomas, open your eyes." I heard a voice say. It sounded like Ianite's.

I slowly opened my eyes, letting them focus to the light. I was still in my room. I was extremely hot, too. I was burning up.

I sat up slowly, ignoring the pain in my back. I looked around and saw Ianite. She smiled. I looked to the ground and screamed.

Dianite was on the floor. Why was he in the floor?

"Is he dead?" I asked. My voice was raspy.

"Sadly, yes. But he saved you. Also you may want to look in a mirror." Ianite said.

I looked at her confused.

"Why? I'm not even sure if I can walk." I said. Ianite walked over to me and placed her hands on my knees.

Then she removed them. "Now you can." She said.

I stood up. I began to walk around. It felt weird I walk around instead of floating.

I walked into the bathroom and flipped the light on, screaming again.

I was a zombie. Well, I had zombie skin. My eyes were black too.

I look like a zombie demon. This is amazing. I still had my blue hair which was good.

But instead of me wearing my normal clothes, I was wearing a suit with a red tie.

Damn I looked good.

I saw Ianite walking towards me from the mirror. I turned around and smiled. She seemed happy, yet sad. Probably because of Dianite's death.

"Your family is moved, Thomas." Ianite said. I felt my stomach drop. "Really?" I asked quietly.

Ianite nodded.

"Welp. I'll just live by myself." I said.

"Would you like me to teleport you to Jordan?" She asked. I smiled and quickly nodded.

Ianite reached her hand out, and I took it.

"Get behind me so they hopefully won't see you." Ianite said.

They? Sparklez must be at Tucker's along with everyone else.

I got behind Ianite, and she teleported us to Tucker's.

"Hello m'lady." I heard Sparklez say.

"Who's behind you?" I heard Sonja ask.

Ianite moved out from in front of me. Everyone's eyes grew wide.

Sonja put her hands over her mouth. Tucker was smiling. I couldn't tell what Wag was doing.

I looked at Sparklez and smiled.

He got up from his seat and walked over to me. He looked me straight in the eyes.

"Tom? Is it really you?" Sparklez asked.

"Well if you couldn't tell if it's me from my blue hair, then you must be blind." I smirked.

Sparklez attacked me with hugs and a few kisses.

"I'm so happy your back!" He said.

"I'm happy to be back."





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