Chapter 22~ Failed Attempts

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Jordan's POV

Tom and I have been keeping an eye on my mom for the past few days. Nade hasn't been spotted since he tried to kill her. Tom's been staying the past few nights here too. He said that if Nade were to show again, then he'd fight with me. One day, things got a bit weird.

"Jordan, Tom, can you come help me put the stuff up from the market?" Mom asked. Tom and I walked down stairs, and into the kitchen.

"When did you go to the market?" I asked.

"About an hour ago. We were running low on food." She said. "Mrs. Lydia (Jordan's mom) you could've been killed!" Tom said.

"I appreciate you boys looking out for me, but I can handle walking to the market and back by myself." Mom said. I sighed, and started putting the food away.

"Thank you two for helping me. I'm going to make a pie for Guard Tom, since he's always making us pies." Mom said. I nodded, going back upstairs with Tom. "Is Guard Tom and your mom a thing?" Tom asked when we got into my room. "I have no clue. He comes over here a lot though." I said.

"Does Guard Tom know about your mom almost being killed?" He asked. I shrugged. "Probably. But again, I have no clue."
Lydia's POV (oh?)

After the two went back upstairs, I started on the pie. I thought for a moment about what type Tom would like. Cherry? No, he probably tires of eating cherry pie. Blueberry? No, I don't even know if I have gotten any at all. I don't think I even like blue berries. I think I'll make a chocolate pie.

I began to gather the ingredients, when I heard something strange. I ignored it as walked back over to my cooking area, when my eyes grew wide.

An arrow was shot into my countertop. For one thing, someone failed at trying to kill me, and for the other, they destroyed my countertop. Now it's going to have a big dent in it! I pulled the arrow out, throwing it in the trash. Hopefully, I'll live to make this darn pie.
After finishing putting everything needed for the pie, I put it in the oven. It will take about an hour or so. I walked over to the table and sat down. I left my book in the other room.. Oh well. I want this pie to be perfect. I think Tom will like it. I've not seen him in a few days though.

I wonder where he could be?
There was about thirty minutes left on the pie, when the person attempted on killing me again. I would think of throwing a smoke bomb through a window classified as murder. As soon as I heard the window break, I quickly jumped up and ran to the living room.

The kitchen shortly filled with smoke. Jordan and Tom ran down stairs when they heard the window break.

"What happened?" Jordan asked quickly.

"They threw a smoke bomb through my window." I said. "Was that the first thing that happened?" Tom asked. I sighed.

"No. They tried to shoot me with an arrow first. I was lucky and moved out the way before it happened." I said.

"Where the arrow?" Jordan asked. "Y'know, usually I'm the one who asks all the questions. Now I understand how you feel, Jordan, when I ask loads of questions." I said.

"Mom just tell us where the arrow was!" He said.

"Watch it. It's in the kitchen, but don't go in there until the smoke clears. You never know if someone were to be in there." I said. They nodded. "I see why they threw the smoke bomb first." Tom said.

"Why?" Jordan asked.

"Probably because once the smoke bomb was thrown and if Mrs. Lydia were to stay seated, someone could've been there and killed her." Tom said. Hmm, I must say that is a clever idea, but with these two boys watching out for me, I think I'm going to live for now.

Finally, the smoke had cleared. Jordan quickly ran to the trash can and grabbed the arrow out. He poked the end.

"Ow. It's sharp." He said, holding his finger. "Sparklez, of course it's going to be sharp." Tom said. Jordan sent him a look. I smiled. They do make a cute couple. Hopefully Tom will treat him well, and not treat him like trash.

The oven beeped. I ran over to it, opening it, and pulling the pie out. It smelt heavenly. Tom will love this. Hopefully.

"Why can't we just keep the pie? I'm sure Tom and I would eat all of it." Jordan said. "This isn't for us, it's for Guard Tom. If and that is if Tom cannot be found, then the pie will be ours." I said.

"I've not seen Guard Tom in a long time." Tom said.

"We will see." I said.
Jordan's POV

There was a knock at the door. Tom an I both jumped up, running towards it. I opened the door slowly. There was nobody there. I looked to the ground and saw a black sheet of paper, with words written in red. I leaned down and picked it up, reading it.

You think you can keep her safe, but you can't. You can't hide from the Shadows. They're everywhere.
Jordan's mom name is Lydia. I really liked that name for two reasons. One because I like the name. Two because of the game I play. Lydia is a companion and will fight others to keep you safe.

I saw a few who said that her name should be Bayleigh. Why? xD

Question: Where do you think Guard Tom is?


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