Chapter 22

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(A/N) Hullo, love. xxx
Okay so um.... you're going to seriously hate me after this chapter. Get the tissues and ice cream ready, okay? I'm sorry, man.
-Alayna. Xx


Chapter 22

The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed.
"N-Niall?" I called out, yawning. I saw a note on the other pillow, knowing it was from Niall. I read the note, his neat handwriting on the page.

"My beautiful princess,
Sorry I left you to wake up alone. I had to go out with the boys for a meeting. I'll be back a little later tonight. I love you so much. Call me after you read this? I want to hear your voice. Xx

I put the note on his bed stand and felt blindly for my phone. I dialed the memorized number, and it rang a few times. I left a message, saying,

"Hey babe, I just woke up. I got your note, by the way. Umm.. so I'll see you tonight, I guess? Just call me when you're on your way home. I love you. Bye."

I then walked into his bathroom, grabbed two towels and a wash cloth, but my mind couldn't help but drift off to Mason. My hand found the sore spot on my cheek, making me flinch a bit. As much as I loved Niall, my mind would always just drift to Mason. Maybe there's some unfinished issues that we have to solve. I unlocked my phone and texted Mason, "Hey, look. It's okay about the other day. I just thought it was unnecessary, that's all. Wanna meet up at the café at 12?"

I then got undressed and hopped in the shower. I let the warm water run down my back, as I tried to empty my mind for a little bit.

"BOYFRIEND. 😘: Hey babe, sorry I didn't take you with me, I didn't want to wake you! I love you, and I'll see you later ;)"


I sat down in the open seat, smiling at him.
"Look, about the other day, I
I cut him off.
"It's fine. I hate that you hit Niall, not me. I just think... I'm not sure. You need help, though. Medicine, therapy, anything. But I can't be around you until you know how to control yourself, Mason."
He looked down in shame, knowing I was right.
"I'm.... I'm so sorry, Kiera. I-I promised I wouldn't hit you again, and... I don't know. I love you Kiera, I always have."
I looked up, glaring at him.
"No. I'm going to stop you right there. No."
His brown eyes reflected his hopelessness, and his expression softened.
I sighed heavily, "I'm sorry. But I can't."


"Hey sorry I didn't text back, I was at lunch with Mason"
"What?" he texted back.
"I went out with Mason to talk about what happened the other day."
"Bc I wanted to clear somethings up"
"He's a fucking maniac, he hit you. Why are you just crawling back to him?"
"Excuse me? Who said anything about 'crawling back' to him!?"
"You don't just go out to lunch with someone who abused you for a year and just hit you like what? two days ago?"
"We'll talk about this when you get home. I have to go."
Tears started streaming down my face. What just happened? I didn't mean anything by it, I just needed to tell him I needed space until he got help. Yeah, he hit Niall and I pretty hard, but he can't control it... right?


*Niall's POV*

"C'mon, Niall, a few drinks will help you forget about it!" Louis said, bumping my arm.
"Yeah, a night out will do you good," Harry added.
I looked towards Liam and Zayn. "I can't tonight, mate, sorry," Liam said, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm down for a night out, though," Zayn said, a little smile spreading across his lips.
"Alright, fine. But just a few, yeah?"
I texted Kiera, "I'm going out. Not sure when I'll get home."
"What's your name, love?" I slurred, incredibly drunk.
"M-Maya," she stammered. Obviously she knew who I was by the nervousness in her voice.
"Let me buy you a drink."
She giggled when I started suckingn and nibbling on her sweet spot. She was pressed up against a wall outside of the club, my hands on her waist, and her hands around my neck.
"Mmm..." she hummed.
I pulled her lips into a messy kiss, pressing up against her. Her hands started to wander down my torso before my common sense kicked in. "No.. No.. I can't. I'm... uh.... I'm so sorry, Maya... Umm... I have to go," I mumbled pushing her hands away from me. I walked away, running my hands through my hair. Fuck.
*Kiera's POV*
I was sitting on the couch when Niall opened the door.
"You're home a little early," I said, looking at the clock. It was only 1am.
"Yeah, I... um. I left the club earlier than the boys," he said, distracted.
I crossed my arms and said, "So, what? Are we going to talk about why you're making such a big deal about me just going to lunch with Mason?"
"Yeah, we are. I'm pissed. He hit you, but yet you still come back to him, just like you did when you two were together!"
His words stung. Tears started to fill my eyes and I just stood there, my jaw clenched, not knowing what to say.
I finally collected my thoughts, and the words just spilled out.
"You obviously know nothing if you think I actually WANTED to go back to Mason! I don't even know what to do if you're just going to get mad at stupid things like that! You should obviously know that nothing happened!"
"I'm not even sure what I know anymore! I just cheated on you with a random girl at the bar, so I hope that clears things up for you," He yelled.
Wait, what? Did I hear that right?
I felt my breathe hitch, trying to hold back a sob. I could feel my heart start to shatter into 5 million pieces.
"You........ Y-You... what?" I said, finally finding words.
"Oh my God. Kiera, no, pleas-"
"You cheated on me!?" I said, tears starting to spill out of my eyes. "I... I can't believe you, Niall."
I ran to his bed room to collect all of my things. I grabbed all I could, stuffing it into a bag I always bring to Niall's. He was standing in the doorway. He was crying, too.
"Kiera, please, just listen. I-I was drunk, and I didn't know what I was doing. I'm so stupid, I'm so sorry. Kiera.... Kiera, please don't leave. D-Don't pack, please..." He said, walking over to me. He touched my hand, and I flinched away. "Please, just don't touch me," I said, tears still pouring out of my eyes. I put the bag on my shoulder, and turned, ready to leave. He then got on both knees and his hands were clasped together. "Please, baby, please don't go," he said, now begging. "Please, just don't go. I love you! You and only you. Please, just stay, we can work this out. I love you so much, please don't leave..." He said, looking up at me. His blue eyes filled with tears and they were all red from crying. He hugged my legs, still begging. "Just please don't leave me, please..."
"Niall, I... I have to go. Just for a little while, okay?" I said, just trying to make sense of it all. He finally let go of my legs, his head hung, body slumped.
"Just give me time to figure this out," I said, turning around in the doorway.
If I was any farther away, I wouldn't have heard his barely audible words, "I love you, so much..."

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