Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

He kissed my neck before I broke his grip and spun around to hug him. "Niall! I can't believe you're here! I missed you so much," I mumbled against his skin.

"I missed you too, Baby," he replied.

I broke the embrace before I bit my lip and asked, "But for how long?" His blue eyes shifted down.

"Longer than before."

"But how long.." I could hear the desperation in my voice.

*Niall's POV*

"But how long.." Kiera said, her voice shaking a bit. Her tone hurt me. I missed her terribly, and I wanted to stay. But I had fans out there, and I hate to disappoint. "Five days."

She sighed. "I was hoping longer."

I frowned and said, "Me too, Kier, but-"

She interrupted, "Yes, yes. I know- you have fans to attend to. But at least we have 5 days to spend together. It's better than nothing."

"If I could change it, you know I would."

"Yeah, I know," she sighed. A short silence fell over us.

"Need help?" I asked, gesturing towards all of the boxes. She sort of smiled and said, "Yeah." The next 10 minutes was full of boxes, stolen cheek kisses, sarcastic comments, laughs and chatter. I missed Kiera so much. Her laugh, her beautiful, tan-ish skin, her smile, her soft light chestnut hair, her everything. I just missed everything about her.

*Kieras POV*

After I closed up, Niall and I drove to my house. Since I don't have a car, I usually walk or take the bus everywhere. That's only because I need to pay all my bills with the little money I have, and paying for a car would just be too much.

It was late and we were peacefully cuddling on the couch before Niall broke the silence. "Can I.. um, talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah, if course," I said with a bit of laughter in my tone.

"Well I wanted to ask.. is...uh.." I rose up and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Go on."

"Okay, so.. Iwaswonderingifyouwantedtobemygirlfriend."

I felt my eye brows rise. "Pardon?"

He sighed nervously and said, "Kiera, I really like you. I've never been into some one so much before. So I was wondering was, well... would you do me the honor of being mine?" A million thoughts ran through my mind, before I realized something. I started giggling.

"You really had to work up the nerve to ask me to be your girlfriend?" He looked down and chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess so..." I thought about this proposal. I trusted him more than anyone, and he's proved to me he cares... I finally made my decision. "Well... hm..." I hesitated. "Yes. I will be your girlfriend." He pulled me into his by my waist and kissed my temple.

"Finally," he mumbled against my skin, "You're mine." As he planted soft kisses on my neck, I soon fell asleep in his arms.

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