Chapter 4

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(A/N) I like the way this chapter

ends. 👍 Enjoy!

-Alayna. Xx

[If you don't I'm sorry, this was my first fanfiction. :( ]


Chapter 4

I really missed him. He was off again on tour, and I was stuck with my normal old life. I couldn't wait until he came back, for even longer than the last time. But I would just have to wait. We texted everyday, and he called inbetween his busy life, Skyped as often as possible. But texting and calling isn't the same as just being with him. I just wish he was here with me..

It feels like things with Niall have gone really fast. I'm not complaining, I'm just... scared. What if's constantly fill my mind. What if he doesn't give as much as himself to me as I give him? What if he asks me to be his? What if he hits me, just like Mason did? What if we end up in a serious relationship, and it ends terribly? What if he sees the real me and he ends up hating me? What if he finds about my insecurities? What if I hurt him? I would never be able to forgive myself. What if...

I'm just terrified I'm walking into a terrible situation...

*Niall's POV*

The time I spent with Kiera was always amazing. It's the best time I've had with someone since... I can't even remember when. She's not like every other cliché girl. When we were walking in the park, she stopped and let go of my hand. She jogged up ahead a little bit and stood at the base of a large tree.

"Look, Niall!" she smiled. I looked up and saw a family of birds in their nest. I walked over and raised my eyebrows and sarcastically asked,

"What, you've never seen a birds nest before?"

She playfully hit me in the shoulder and said, "Obviously I have, Niall. I've just never gotten so close to one with so many birds in it." She continued to look up and smile. After a few seconds, we intertwined our fingers together and continued our walk down the path. As we were walking, I smiled and stole a glance. She was so beautiful. Most of her brown hair was hidden in a beanie, and I could clearly see her beautiful green eyes. Her eyes wandered above, and then her vision shifted to me. We stopped mid-path, and she questioned, "What?"

I smiled and replied, "Nothing. You're just so.. stunning." A small smile spread across her face and her shoes all of a sudden became very interesting to her.

I tilted her head up so her eyes were locked with mine and I quietly said, "I mean it." I leaned in to kiss her, but our gaze was broken as her head shifted down and her hand gently pushed on my chest. I understood. I kissed her forehead instead and we continued walking. That was my favorite memory with her. She obviously didn't believe she was as gorgeous as she really was. But I really meant it. She was truly stunning.

*Kiera's POV*

*a month later*

Niall had been gone for too long. Over a month since we've seen each other. We talked, texted, Skyped... But it still wasn't enough. I missed him. Bad. It was all that was on my mind. I couldn't wait until he returned to me, but I didn't know how long it would be.

"Hey, Josh?" "Yeah?" he called. "Are you closing up, or do you want me to?" I asked. "Do you think you could today? I'm picking up my girlfriend at the airport today," he replied, "I'm sorry. Or else I would, but I have to leave early." After he left, I started cleaning up the store. My mind started to wonder about my relationship with Niall. I really liked him. I trusted him more than I've trusted anyone. When I was deep in thought, I suddenly felt warm arms snake around my waist and a familiar Irish accent whisper, "Hey, gorgeous. Miss me?"


(A/N) Woah.


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