Chapter 20

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(A/N) WELL HEY THERE, FRIENDSHIP. Sorry I've been like M.I.A lately! I had major writers block whoops. Well this is a longer chapter, sorry for the wait! Forgive me, love? xxxx :) alright well all of my readers are silent readers. Agh. 198 reads, btw!! Whaaaat!? Thank you so so much. 💕❤💕 If you comment ideas, I'll be sure to try and use them, I get writers block... very often. Well alrighty then, ENJOY!

#NieraHorton? (Ship name.?)

-Alayna. Xx


Chapter 20

*Nialls POV*

The next morning, I woke up earlier than Kiera. I stayed up for a little while to watch her sleep so peacefully and beautifully. Her hand rested over my heart and my arms were wrapped around her waist, our bodies pressed closely together. Our legs were interwined and I could see her eyebrows crease as she was dreaming. I glanced over at her clock- it was 10. I kissed her forehead and squeezed her hand gentlely. "Babe, it's 10. Wanna eat?" I quietly said.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked up towards me. Her warm hand was removed from my chest as she rubbed her eyes and sighed. "Yeah, sure," she said groggily. She wrapped herself in my duvet, leaving me with only the sheet. She grabbed a few of her things from a drawer she has here and slipped into the bathroom. I ran my fingers through my messy hair before I removed myself from the warmth of the bed. I slipped on a pair of boxers and joggers before heading into the kitchen. I started filling up a kettle for tea when I heard quiet footsteps behind me. I put the kettle on the stove and waited for it to be heated. She walked over and intertwined our fingers together. I smiled at her. Her green eyes were analyzing my face. "I can't believe you're finally here with me," she mumbled, "I've been waiting for 2 months." I kissed her forehead. "I missed you so much." She wrapped her arms around me, and I hugged her back. She mumbled into my skin, "I missed you too. I feel like everything was falling apart without you." This tore me apart. I hated leaving her, and I died inside every second I was away from her. The worst part was I left when she really needed me. But how was I to know that Mason would come back?

After we ate breakfast, we listened to music on the couch. I layed my head in her lap and we talked about things that happened when I was away, and other random things. It was 12 when she decided to get a shower.

"No, babe. On my own," she said playfully.

"Ah, fine. But next time, you'll be having company," I winked.

She giggled and lightly nudged my arm. "I love you, babe," she said before heading into the bathroom as I layed down on the couch to watch some television. A little while later, I heard the shower shut off and her footsteps in the hallway.

"Babe, I need to go back home and get something," she yelled from my room.

"Alright babe, we'll go after I shower, yeah?"


*Kieras POV*

I climbed into his car and blasted the radio up. Little Mix happened to be on and we both started laughing at the irony of it all. We both sang our loudest and for the rest of the ride, we just simply talked and laughed. I really missed him. His fingers were interlaced with mine and he rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand soothingly. I giggled. "Your hands are so big," I said thoughtfully. I sighed. "I missed you so much, Niall."

"I missed you too, Kiera. I was dying inside every second you weren't with me."

"Me too. I love you."

"I love you too. So much. I can't believe I finally get to stay with my one and only princess," he said softly before raising my small hand up and kissing the back of it gentlely.

When we arrived, Niall got a phone call from Modest!. He looked up at me and said, "I have to take this, I'll meet you up there, yeah?"

As I was inside, climbing the stairs to my apartment, I saw someone in the front of my destination, sitting on the ground. Shit. Mason.

"What are you doing here!?" I asked, alarmed.

"I was waiting for you to come back to your place," he said carefully.

"Mason, I'm sorry, but you can't be in my life anymore. I don't want you back, I'm sorry." I heard footsteps behind me, knowing it was Niall.

"Kiera?" He said, with worry rising up in his voice.

I flipped around to find Niall right behind me. "Babe, this is Mason..." and I reached for his hand, and he took it, but tugged me behind him. I looked up at him, with obvious concern in my eyes. His beautiful blue eyes were filled with the same concern before turning around to see Mason as he stood up. Mason was very built, and naturally intimidating.

"O-Oh," Niall stuttered, a bit confused. "Are you here to take her back? Because its not going to work, she's mine," Niall said, a bit more confidence in his voice, squeezing my hand right before letting it go.

Mason smirked and said, "Lets see about that," before winding his fist back to hit my beautiful blonde boy in the face. I screamed as he stumbled backwards a bit, while I was trying to steady him. "Niall, babe, are you okay!?" I asked with alarm. "Mason! See!? You haven't changed a bit! Stop it! I don't want you back!" He came closer to me, but Niall stopped him, and hit him in the gut, but the hit didn't do as much damage as Masons did to him. Mason stumbled backward just a little before going in for another hit. Mason hit him hard in the gut, and I couldn't let this happen anymore and I stepped in front of Niall, just to be met with a large fist to my cheek. I fell to the ground, my face stinging and my keys were thrown across the floor. Niall immediately was right next to me, picking me up bridal style and picking up my keys. "Get out!" He started yelling, "Get out of here! How could you hit her like that!? Haven't you done enough damage!? Just go!"

My vision focused fast enough to see the sorrow reflecting in Mason's eyes. "What have I done," he mumbled quietly, barely audible. He whispered an apology before running down the stairs. Niall, with me still in his arms, unlocked the door, and kicked the door open. He carried me to my bedroom and layed me down on my warm duvet and he left the room briefly to grab some ice.

"Is m-my princess o-okay?" He stuttered, bringing the cold ice to my cheek.

"I'm fine, Niall. Really. I just... Wasn't expecting that to happen," I said, trying to sort of cheer him up, even if it was just a little.

"Niall, seriously. I'm not just some little girl, I'm 18! I'm fine. Really," I assured, sitting up and running my fingers through his hair. His eyes that were filled with concern closed and he hummed with pleasure. "I love you," I said quietly, my fingers still in his blonde hair. He opened his eyes and looked directly into mine before saying, "I love you too."

He gave me a small kiss before he layed me back down. I held the ice to my face, and I could feel my cheek start to get numb with the cold. He carefully pulled me into him, arms wrapping around my waist. "Niall, I'm okay. Yeah, I'll have a bit of a mark, but I'm okay," I said, trying to sound as reassuring as possible. "He still hit you," he quietly said while making small, comforting circles on my hip. "I should've taken the hit, not you."

"Stop it. Niall, it was my fault. But it's over, what's done is done. I'm fine now, you don't have to worry about me."

"You're my everything, Kiera. I always worry about you."

I could feel the butterflies errupt in my stomach.

"You don't need to worry, I'm fine. I promise."

"I just... I promised myself no one would ever hurt you again, especially not him," he said desperately, "I just, I can't believe I didn't stop it..."

"There was nothing you could've done, Niall. Anyway, look at you! You have more marks than I do. Are YOU okay?" I asked, hoping to lighten the mood a bit. He quietly chuckled. "Yeah, babe. I'm fine." I leaned down to push his shirt up so I could see his toned stomach. I softly kissed the bruise that was already forming. We layed there for hours, talking, laughing, telling each other how much we love each other.

"I wonder how long it will be until he realizes that there's better girls out there," I thought to myself, "But for now, he's mine, and that's all that matters..."

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