Chapter 2

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(A/N) Yay, longer chapter.

-Alayna. Xx


Chapter 2

Two weeks later

Since it was a Saturday, I slept in for an hour and a half later than usual. I finally got up and made my bed before starting down the hallway to prepare breakfast. I opened the refrigerator, taking out the eggs, milk, and butter. I grabbed a bowl and started on the meal. After everything was done, I walked into the living room and I sat down and began to eat before my phone buzzed.

Morning (: Xx

I couldn't help but smile at the text.

Morning N Xx

How'd you sleep last night?

After breakfast, I cleaned up all the dishes and got a shower. I entered my room with a towel wrapped around my head and another wrapped around my body. I could hear my neighbors blasting music, as always, and my other neighbors always fought when they were home. I picked up my phone and was welcomed by a text.

Sorry babe, i have to go to another city for another concert! I'll text you when I'm off the plane. Xx

That was a half hour ago. I sighed. I really like Niall but with him on tour and never being able to see him... it'd be hard to keep up a relationship. But I guess if you want something bad enough, you'd do anything... right?

The next morning I woke up to a text from Niall.

Just arrived at NYC. Text me when youre awake. Goodnight beautiful. Xx

That was at 1:47am. I checked the time- it was 9:30.

Morning N ❤️

A few minutes passed and he wasn't answering, and got up to eat breakfast.

As I ate, I couldn't help but think about being with Niall. He's just so... perfect. He always managed to make me smile, but what if I'm not ready yet? Or what if I hurt him? Or worse, what if he hurts me?


Ever since I met Kiera, I haven't seen any other girl as attractive as her. She's so stunning. But I'm afraid. What if I ask her out and she rejects me? What happens then? I obviously am going to wait. I talked to Liam about it, and he said I should wait. And I know I should.

I just, can't stop thinking about her. When we finally arrived in NYC, I immediately texted her and shoved my phone in my pocket. I followed Harry out and of course, as always, fans crowded us. Which I never minded, I love my fans. We would be no where without them. About 10 minutes later, we were off on the bus and headed to our hotel. When we finally got to the room, I was so tired, I passed out.

I was awaken by the smell of food. "Morning, Nialler," Liam said.


As always, I ate and ate until I couldn't anymore. As I started to put on a more decent shirt, Paul barged in and called in all the other boys. He explained to us the rest if our day, which was basically like any other day. Wake up, eat, rehearse, prepare, perform, meet&greet, etc. And I'm not complaining, whatsoever.

But I'd like Kiera to be fit into that schedule now. This may sound cliche, but it was truly "love" at first sight. She definitely caught my eye at first glance. I wouldn't say I'm in love with her quite yet, but I'm massively into her. But when would we be able to see each other? The tour is for awhile, and we're busier than ever- in and out of the studio. But, Liam, Zayn, and Louis always manage to see their girlfriends and they talk all the time. I just wonder if she's into me as much as I'm into her, and would she be willing to enter that sort of relationship?


Next Day.

I worked over at the mall, working at a Shoe Store, Journey's. I was in the back room when Niall finally woke up and texted me

Hey Beautiful. Xx

The only person who has ever talked to me like that on a daily basis was my ex-boyfriend, Mason. Yeah, Mason was great and all, but... not really. I've been alone for most of my life. Always on my own. Even when my parents were alive, my mom would always be busy and out of the house, and dad was always at work. So when Mason came along, I really fell for him, thinking maybe he would make me feel like I'm not so alone after all.

It was like that for awhile until he started to hit me. I don't know why, but it all of a sudden started, and I let it go on for about 2 months. I always thought he would stop. But he never did....


"Mason, Please..," I begged. "Stop!" I sobbed.

He wouldn't stop hitting me. He would only stop when there wasn't anymore skin to bruise. I used to come home with bruises all down my arms and some on my face. No one ever asked about it, because I live alone. Since my parents died a year back, I'm on my own. I'm eighteen so I'm officially an adult. I live in a little apartment, all by myself. Yeah, it does get a little lonely without my parents, and I miss them a lot.

"Mason, please..."

He shoved me into a glass he was just drinking from. It fell on the floor, along with me. I felt a sharp object pierce my side. The blood started to seep really fast through my clothes.

"I'm done here." I said, as bravely as I could, before sprinting towards the front door.

I kept running until I reached my apartment. My fingers trembled as I fumbled with the keys to the front door of the apartment building. I climbed the stairs to my room and unlocking the door. I was so scared that Mason would come back.

Luckily, he never did. I walked into my bathroom to lift up my shirt and find a large piece of glass in my side, and blood was gushing out of my wound. I slowly and painfully removed the piece of glass from the incision. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I put the bloody glass on the counter. It created a huge gash on my side. I decided to head to urgent care to get it taken care of. They asked how it happened, but I was too embarassed to say that I was abused. I said I fell. Luckily, they believed me. They stitched it up and sent me home. To this day, I have a huge, ugly scar across my side.


I really hope that Nialls not like that. My favorite part about him is his humor. I really want to get to know him, though. I feel like something wonderful can really sprout from this.

I just, have all these fears about stepping into something serious

Hey babe

What are you doin?

At work, /: Wbu?

Wishing I was with you. Xx

Awwh, haha. You're so sweet, I miss you. When is your next break from tour? I want to see you sooooon. Xx

One more week, babe. I can't wait. I'm flying over asap!(;

Yayy(; I'm so excited, that's all I've been thinking about.

Same here, love. x

The conversation continued for an hour and a half until he had to go to rehearsal. But honestly, talking to him for the past two weeks has been amazing. He's such a great guy. I just want to make sure I want to step into a relationship. If I'm ready. I just thought Mason was amazing. He loved me, I loved him and everything seemed perfect.

Then my whole life got shot to Hell when he broke up with me and my parents died. I guess ever since, I've always had the fear of going through the same thing. A fear of being left alone, a fear of being abused. A fear of being hurt.

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