Chapter 19 [Smut.]

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(A/N) Hey I'm so sorry. I was re-reading to make sure all the chapters were good, and I found a few typos. Like she had navy converse on, and suddenly in the airport, she had white converse on... Lily says she stepped in bleach in the way, lol. 😂😂 Okay well enjoy this chapter... 

btw guys this was written poorly and I apologize ahah I'm laughing as I read this because this is so poory written ahaha 




*Two weeks later.*  

*Kiera's POV*

"Kiera." Mason texted me.

 "Hey." He texted me again. 


"Please, answer me." 


Mason wouldn't stop texting me for the past two weeks since the lunch accident. I haven't talked to him since. "Hey gorgeous 😘" Lit up my screen.

"Hey babeee."

"What's my amazing girl doing?"My boyfriend texted me. "Nothing, just scrolling through Tumblr. What's my man doing?(:" I texted back. "Texting this really beautiful girl. She's so wonderful and I can't even believe how she's mine. (; Xx" Niall always sent me the sweetest texts. I love him so much. I can't even believe it's only a week until I get to hug him and kiss him and run my fingers through his hair, in person. Fall asleep to his heartbeat, feel the vibrations of his chest as he sings me to sleep. I can't wait. Things have been so complicated with Mason, it's ridiculous. I don't want to think about him, but it never escapes my mind. Why would I leave Niall for Mason?   Mason hasn't changed at all. He just wants to get into my pants... *

*A week later*

Today was the day Niall finally came home. I woke up early to get showered and did my hair in loose curls. I got dressed in a comfortable outfit, I mean, it was just the airport. I was so excited to see him, I didn't even bother to eat. I slipped on my faded high tops, shoved my phone in my back pocket and headed out the door.   I looked down to see what time it was. 12:45.

Niall was supposed to get off of his plane at 1:00... I scrolled through tumblr to pass the time. I finished scrolling through my dash, and shoved my phone into my back pocket. I looked down at the floor, just thinking what it will be like just to see Niall again. I've missed him so much. 

"Kiera?" I hear a familiar voice call out. Tears fill my eyes before I looked up from my shoes. I ran straight for my blonde haired boy, my love.  He dropped all of his luggage and had open arms for me to jump into. I wrapped my legs around his stomach and my arms were wrapped tightly around his neck. 

"I missed you so much," I said, my voice muffled as tears poured down my cheeks and onto the crook of his neck. We stayed like that for awhile before I broke the grip and kissed him gentlely. I jumped down and helped him with his luggage, still crying. We held hands the whole time we were in the car from the airport to his house.

When we got in, he gave me a soft peck my lips before plopping his stuff on the couch.  "Babe, you've been gone for 2 months, I want more than a peck on the lips..." I said, biting my lip. His light blue eyes grew darker as they met with my green ones. He picked me up, bridal style, to his room.

He took me by the waist and flipped me so I was straddling him as he was laying down. I bent down and placed a messy kiss on his soft lips.

"You have no idea how much I want you," Niall said on my lips, pressing his hips lightly against mine.  "Shut up," I said, laughing and pushing softly on his chest. He kissed me again, hard.  I started to unbutton his shirt, tracing his abs all the way down to his v-lines with my fingertips. He tugged on my shirt, and mumbled, "Off."

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