Chapter Fourty-Five

Start from the beginning

"So things did happen?" He immediately started assuming as I groaned at his further interrogation, he was supposed to be my friend, but now he's acting like he has some authority over me.

"Ashton just leave it,"

Ashton's P.O.V.

"Oh my fucking God," I groaned

She didn't see how bad it hurt me when I saw her with him. She never saw. Of course she didn't because I would never let her, but in the back of my mind I still had the slightest hope that she would notice.

"For once stop assuming things about me, Ashton! I can take care of myself with other boys, I know how to handle them and I know how to handle myself. You're always like this! You act like you're entitled to my actions, but you're not!" She basically yelled

"You don't get it!" I spat back in frustration

I wanted so desperately to tell her. I wanted to say that it killed me seeing her with him. That I couldn't handle the slightest possibility of them being together even though I would be the sole reason for that. I was giving them so many opportunities to be together and even though she told me that nothing has happened, that thought still played in my head over and fucking over again.

Before she could get another word in, we both silenced at the sound of a door opening on the opposite side of the room behind the drapes that kept light from coming in.

Josie's P.O.V.

Sitting out on the balcony, I watched as the guests began to pile into the backyard as Alex stepped onto the stage bringing up his lovely wife right next to him. One of their friends brought up a chair for Lisa as Alex began to speak

"Hey guys. We just wanted to thank everyone for being here to celebrate today with us," Alex started off receiving a cheer from the crowd

"And, I know it's not usual for a husband to give his wife a wedding present on the day of the wedding, but I wrote this song with the help of a really good friend, and I really wanted to share with you today, Lisa," he explained before being handed one of his guitars

I let out a small smile feeling a sense of relief at the happiness that everyone was radiating from below as Alex began strumming his guitar, but I seemed to recognize the chords he began playing. It wasn't until he began singing that I remembered.

"Smile for the cameras, Princess, all their eyes are on us. Even in a crowded room everything seems to freeze when I'm with you. Finally realizing that you're everything and all I'll ever need. Maybe one day you'll hear these words and say the same things to me."

It was the first line to the chorus that made the tears start to fall. That was it, that was the line that he'd always tell me whenever I needed him the most. We were always in the spotlight because of the contract, our most intimate moments being put out on total display, but he'd always be there to help me see the bright side in all of this. He was always there to show me why all of this was really worth it. But he's not anymore.

I was the one who helped write with Alex, and at this rate, I knew that I wouldn't be able to make it through the entire song knowing exactly what was coming up next. I was wiping the tears from my eyes as I walked into the room through the balcony but once I stepped in, I looked up to find two people staring at me.

"Oh- shit. Sorry, I didn't know there were people on here," I broke the silence immediately rubbing away the water in my eyes as I tried to break contact with the two of them. Even with closed eyes, I could tell that Ashton was staring down at me.

"Josie? Are you alright?" The girl I remember as Julia questioned

"Didn't know someone like you was even capable of crying," Ashton muttered making me look up at him as he glared at me with so much disdain

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