Chapter 5: Confrontation

Start from the beginning

"That was no pro-" I began saying, convincing myself that Katherine had no other motives for approaching me, and that she genuinely was grateful that Eliza and I had attempted to comfort her. Of course it didn't go too well.

I, however, was cut off mid sentence by Katherine who decided to continue "I honestly thought you had no other intentions". I must've have looked baffled at her comment, and believe me I was, because she looked at me and began giggling. It was something within her laugh that made it sound forced and...evil. It was as if she were laughing at me, and as if I had said something wrong. "You told me you weren't going for Levi" she sighed dramatically as my eyes flickered to her two minions standing besides her.

Like Katherine, her two minions, Donna and Marisa, had dyed their hair. Except instead of their usual brown, it was a dirty blonde, something told me they attempted to copy Katherine. Both of her henchmen were doing nothing apart from mimicking her expressions, laughing when she laughed and smiling when she smiled.

I had a strong feeling that the three of them shared the same brain.

"I'm not after Levi" I answered in the driest tone I could muster. Two days ago, that idiot got on my nerves and no more than a week ago did I call that boy an asshole for the likes of Katherine White. After watching that public display of arguments, I had automatically assumed that Levi was the bad guy and that Katherine was pretty much as innocent as an angel, which in hindsight was probably an extremely incorrect assumption considering Katherine was known throughout the entire school to be a conniving bitch and Levi was known to be a nice person. An asshole upfront, but a nice person all together.

"I had never seen you and Levi even look at each other before, he had never even mentioned you when we were going out. Something tells me he didn't even know your name until recently. And the suddenly you hear the news about me and Levi breaking up, and your practically best friends. That's not a coincidence Julie" She sneered, taking another two steps towards me whilst she finished her sentence. I decided not to take any steps back, not to show her how intimidated I really was. I felt safe considering there was just over a meter distance between the four of us, but still intimidated enough to be peeling the skin off of my lips with my teeth.

It was going to be impossible to explain to Katherine that everything that had been happening between Levi and I was strictly a formal relationship and that it was a complete coincidence that we had first spoken the day they broke up. But I'm guessing she wouldn't believe me even if I was asked under a lie detector test.

"Um-I-I just don-I kinda" I began, stuttering my way throughout my entire sentence mentally face palming at the fact that the less intimidated I attempted to sound, the more so I did. I took a deep breath before restarting my entire sentence. "What are you trying to achieve by cornering me and interrogating me about my non-existent relationship with Levi?" I questioned, before I realised that with the mix of my harsh tone and formal words, the question sounded a lot bitchier than I meant for it to.

She scowled at me, her hazel eyes darkening with what supposedly seemed like anger. Glancing at tweedle-dumb and tweedle-dee, I noticed that they were both scowling at me. However the anger failed to reach their eyes, it was as if they were both playing a roll and Katherine actually wanted to kill me.

That last part was probably extremely accurate.

"Isn't it obvious?" She spat, almost seething with anger

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