Chapter ELEVEN

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Hey guys! The beginning may be a little boring, but near the end it gets REALLY interesting :)

Photo Added!!! Who else agrees Alex Pettyfer is hot??


By the time I find Nate, my anger has subsided drastically.

"Hey Nate, whatever Gus told you yesterday is completely false, I swear."

"I think I made it clear that I don't want to associate with you ever again."

"I can explain. Trust me on this please? I didn't do anything with Gus, and you should know that. We've been friend for over 11 years."

"I don't know Allie, a lot of girls fall for his looks and accent. He's hooked up with so many girls and I warned you."

"I know you did Nate, and I didn't do anything. I swear. I mean look at his reputation. Do you really believe his words over mine?"

"Well...I guess not. But a beautiful girl like you being with a popular guy like him isn't hard to believe."

"Awww Natey thinks I'm pretty! Hahah!" I say in an obnoxiously high voice.

"Oh shut up Johnson! Everyone does. Can you promise me one thing though?"

"Yeah definitely. What is it?"

"Promise me to stay away from Gus. He's no good for you."

"Oh trust me I promise with all my heart."

Well I guess we're on good terms now that he's calling me by my last name. All I got to do is talk to Jameson.


Gus' POV

"Now look what you did Karlie! I'm never going to win the bet because of you!"

"Well I guess this means I win?"

"No. No I can't let you win. I have to find a way to fix this."

"Good luck loser haha."


Allie's POV

It's finally English class and I am extremely nervous. The second Jameson enters the room I walk up to him.

"Jameson, hey, let me explain."

"Haha there's nothing to explain. I know what happened and I don't even like you so it doesn't concern me."

"Well then why the hell won't you hear me out? Jeezus."

"Because you're not worth my time." Ouch. That stung a little bit.

"You know we have to sit with our partner for like half the year and we have a project together so...."

"I'll just ask the teacher to switch partners."

"Oh come on. Don't you think that's a little bit too extreme?"

"Whatever gets me the furthest away from you."

"Okay now, seriously Jameson. I didn't do whatever Gus told you. I swear. I'm not that kind of girl. Nate forgave me and so should you if you knew any better."

"And why do you think I could trust you over Gus?"

"Are you kidding me?! Do you not know his reputation?"

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