Chapter THREE

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Hey guys! Just wanted to thank you guys for the votes and for reading! ILYSM <3


By the time we reached the pier, we were finally dried off.

"I swear if you EVER throw me into the ocean fully clothed again, you will pay BIG TIME." I tell him, glaring.

Untouched by my threat, he says exhausted, "Whatever, let's get some food. I'm starving!"

I agreed and we grabbed some pizzas at one of the restaurants on the pier.


"Come on! Just one more time!" I whined.

"No! Definitely not! We already rode that roller coaster 4 times!" Nate insisted.

We have been riding rides at the pier for at least an hour. I check the time on my phone and it reads 2:47 pm. By now, there's only one more ride left that we haven't riden yet. The ride I was saving for last; the Ferris wheel.

"Come on come on! The line's already long as it is!" I complain.

"Okay okay jeez Johnson. I'm coming. Let me take one more bite out of this ice cream first." He says.

After he takes one more bite, we run towards the Ferris wheel. When it's finally our turn, I get my phone out. At the top of the Ferris wheel, it goes over ocean and the view is beautiful (especially in the summer), so I love to take pictures. When we are at the top, I take over 40 photos of the vast, shimmering oceans and also of Nate and me.

"Wow isn't it beautiful?" I ask him after taking a selfie.

"What? You?" He says adding a wink.

"Haha nice one. How many of your random side hoes do you say that to haha."

"Hmmmmm... quite a lot haha."

Nate has hooked up with so many girls I can't even keep track, so I just make fun of him, no matter how messed up the whole idea of it is. He's the perfect definition of a manwhore. Once we get off the Ferris wheel, I'm dragged out of the mini amusement park on the pier.

"Thank god we're finally out of there." He says gladly.

We go to another ice cream shop and buy our third ice cream of the day. As we eat our ice cream, we walk around and look at the shops on the pier for an hour. It's about 5:30 pm and I am starving so we make our way to Nate's car to get our picnic basket.


Finally, we are at our usual spot on the beach and the blanket is laid out on the sand. I sit on the blanket and all I could think about is eating. I am literally about to die of starvation. The second Nate takes the food out of the basket, I dig in.

"Since it's summer, the sun will set around 7-8 pm" Nate informs me.

"Thanks Mr. Obvious."

Chuckling, Nate corrects, "It's Captain Obvious FYI haha. Oh and don't eat all the sandwiches! Leave some for me!"

"Well you better start eating now or else there'll be nothing left for you hehe."

Once we are done eating, the sun begins to set.

"Perfect timing!" I smile.

While I get my phone out, Nate pulls out a lantern from the basket and turns it on.

"Noooooo Nate! Turn the lantern off! The pictures won't be as pretty with it on. Pleeeease." I beg and he turns it off.

"Thanks Natey."

When we were younger, I used to call him Natey. I don't even know why though. It's such a terrible nickname, but occasionally I still call him that. From about 3 years ago, Nate has started to call me by my last name, Johnson.

Once the sun is completely set, we stay at the beach for a while and talk about a bunch of random stuff. We end up going home after a couple of hours. Since Nate's house is only a block away from mine, he parks his car at his house and asks if he needs to accompany me to my house. I decline and make my way home.

As I walk, I notice that my street is very scary at night. I usually don't walk home alone at night, so I've never noticed. The trees are blowing and the only lights around here are the occasional street lamps.

As I pass an especially dark part of the sidewalk, I am grabbed by the arm and pulled into a little alley. I am turned around so I can't tell who it is and there's no one here to help me if I get hurt. Oh no, I should have let Nate walk me home. The kidnapper's hands are on mouth preventing me from screaming for help and I am freaking out.

I suddenly feel a hot breath near my ear and the voice says in a very menacing way, "Your family ruined me, and now it's my turn to get revenge."

The second he lets go of me, I turn around, but he has already disappeared into the shadows.


Thanks for reading and have a great day! ^-^


Adeline <3

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