Chapter SIX

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Hey guys! I can't thank you guys enough for reading and voting for my story! Thank you so so much again! Over 200 reads!! ILYSM <3

Also!! I added a photo with this chapter! So check that out! :) it's a collage with only a FEW of the characters. I'll be making more with the rest of them.


TODAY'S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! I wake up extra early to make sure I have enough time to get ready. I first take a cold shower to wake me up and then get dressed in the clothes Bells and I chose yesterday. I put on my usual light layer of makeup and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

I notice a note on the refrigerator and already know what it reads. It's another note from my parents saying they left early in the morning for work and won't be back until later. The only reason I live in a community with mansions is because of my parent's hard work, but I wish they would sometimes make time to hang out with me.

As I finish the last bite of my cereal, there's honking outside my house. I grab my stuff and rush out the door. Nate and I have been carpooling with each other ever since we were little because we live four houses away. Nate also lives in a mansion and drives a BMW 3 series. I drive an Audi S4, but most of the time Nate drives us to school.

"Excited for the first day of school?" He asks as I get into the car.

"Yeah! I can't wait! Oh and do you know a guy named Gus?"

"Yeah we play football together. Why?"

"Because I may have been on a few dates with him.."

"You what?! No no guys aren't dating are you?"

"Umm no. Is there a problem?"

"Johnson, you have to trust me on this, but he is not a good guy. He only dates girls to get in their pants and then dumps them."

"Are you kidding me?! You do that too! What's so different between you two then? Huh?"

"I'm sorry Johnson, you're right. But I did warn you. I just want to protect you."

"It's fine. Sorry I overreacted too, but I really like him. Maybe he's going to change for me."

"Anyways, you look beautiful today Johnson."

"Thanks! You too. Well not beautiful, but handsome. Haha"

"Haha thanks."

The rest of the car ride went on in silence, but a comfortable silence. All my friends and I have already compared our schedules last week so I know exactly what classes I have with them.

1st period: French (with Lexi)

2nd period: History

3rd period: Art (with Bells and Kat)


4th period: English (with Nate)

5th period: Math

6th period: Science (with Bells)

"Well we're here. See you in fourth period." Nate informs me.

"Okay I'll miss you until then:)" I say while walking away and giving him a small wave.

I walk into first period and spot Lexi in the front of the room (obviously). In the back of the room, I see Karlie and her minions sitting around her, so I take a seat next to Lexi in the front row. French class goes by slowly and I almost fall asleep two times.

As I walk into my second period class, I don't know where to sit because none of my friends are in this class with me. I look around and spot Gus sitting in one of the seats near the back of the room talking to two other boys (which I'm assuming are part of the popular group). I am about to sit in the front until Gus motions towards me to sit beside him, and I accept (I mean who could if a hot boy wanted you to sit next to them). Near the end of class, Gus slips me a note asking me if I'd like to have lunch with him, but I tell him I have to check with my friends.

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