Chapter SEVEN

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Hey guys! I can't believe it! My story is almost at 300 reads! Thank you guys so much for reading my book, voting, and commenting! I love reading your comments and I love that you guys are enjoying my first story! Thank you SO much!!!

Photo Added!!! This is the other collage with the rest of the characters :) Enjoy!


Recap: "Hello class. My name is Mrs. Andy and I'm your 10th grade English teacher. We will be starting the year off with projects. I'll be choosing the partners." Mrs. Andy states blandly.

After what seems like forever, the teacher finally calls my name.

"Allie Johnson with Jameson Masters."

Oh what? I never knew he was in this class. I look around and see Nate's confused expression as well. He obviously didn't know that Jameson was in our class either. When I finally spot him, he is talking to a random girl not even paying attention to class. I can tell he's going to be a great partner :/. (Note the sarcasm)

At the end of class, I walk up to Jameson before he is able to leave the room.

"Uh hey Jameson?"

"Oh hey. What's your name?"

"Allie." I say irritated.

I literally just met him today and he can't even remember my name. Well makes sense because he's been talking to so many girls.

"Anyways, I was wondering if either I could come over to your house or you could come over to mine?" I ask.

"Yeah of course." He says winking at me.

OH. MY. G. I can't believe he just did that. Wow, how shallow.

"You know I'm talking about for the project right?" I ask just to make sure cuz why else would I go to his house!

"Umm yeah sure I knew that."


"But this is only after we finish reading the book separately and then we'll meet up to work on the presentation. Okay?" I ask him.

"Wait we have to read a book? Which one?"

"Maybe you should pay attention in class." I just say, but as I'm about to walk out of class, he grabs my arm.

"Wait I need your number first."

"And why the hell would I give it to you?!"

"So I could contact you about the project?" He says like it's obvious.

Oh shoot. That's embarrassing. I thought he wanted it because he was hitting on me.

"Oh yeah duh. Here you go." I hand him a piece of paper with my number on it. "Hey can I also have your number.. Just in case?"

I want to say it's because he will probably get it mixed up with all the other girl's numbers he gets, but I keep that to myself.

"Ya here you go. See you around."

He hands me a paper then walks away after winking at me yet again. Ew.


Once I step into math class, I try to figure out where I'm going to sit. I spot Gus talking to Karlie at the back corner of the room, so I decided to sit as far away from her as possible. Why is he even talking to her?

I end up sitting in the second row in the middle. Gus isn't flirting with her is he? I mean Karlie is the flirtatious type, but Gus wouldn't do that to me would he? I turn around again and watch them talk and laugh together. I should ask him later what we even are.

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