Chapter TWO

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Hey guys! This is the second to last intro chapter, so after this it will get much more interesting, so please read on! Thanks!

ATTENTION!-I just wanted to know if you preferred me to update more frequently but with shorter chapters (1-2 pages long), or not update as frequently but have longer chapters (3-4 pages long). Comment what you'd prefer :) Thanks!


Once we were at the store, we went straight towards the cracker aisle. There are so many flavors of Oreos! Knowing that I like the mint flavor, Nate grabbed a box of those and his favorite, double stuf.

"You know me too well." I said smiling.

After we got the Oreos, I went to go get some milk while Nate stood in line for us. After grabbing a carton of milk, I made my way to the registers. While I was walking over there, my foot got caught on something and I fell. Shoot!

"What the hell!" I angrily said.

The milk is spilled all over the floor and I'm on the ground struggling to get up.

"I'm so sorry! Here let me help you up."

I hear a heavily accented voice above me say. I look up to see the most gorgeous green eyes and a hand stretched towards me. Stupidly, I just stare at him not even attempting to get up. The sound of his chuckle brings me back to reality and I blush. Well this is awkward.

"You don't say.." He states.

Embarrassed, I ask, "Did I just say that out loud? Oh god that's embarrassing."

He chuckles once again and I take his hand to stand up. By now, the workers are already here cleaning up the mess with a scowl on their faces. Oops...

Apologetically I say, "Sorry, I really didn't mean to spill the milk."

From next to me, I hear the blonde haired boy apologize as well, "Sorry I tripped you. I honestly didn't mean to."

I tell him it's okay and he smiles, relieved. He has a beautiful white toothed smile, dirty blonde hair like mine, and the most perfect toned body. Noticing that I am practically drooling over him, he uncomfortably clears his throat. Oh god. My checks once again go red and I smile the most awkward smile. My newly bleached blonde hair is probably a huge mess from the fall and I look ridiculous.

Surprisingly he says, "You're cute when you're embarrassed," and the second he says that his checks go crimson red as well. He obviously didn't mean to say that out loud. I so desperately want to tell him that he's the cute one not me, but that wouldn't help our awkward situation, so I just stay quiet. After talking for a while, I find out his name is Gus Richards, goes to Mammoth High, is in my grade, and he gives me his number. I thought Nate was the only freshman on the varsity football team last year, but apparently Gus was on it too, along with two of his friends.

Then all of a sudden I remember Nate is waiting for me at the register so I grab another carton of milk and dash towards him forgetting to say bye to Gus. Once I get there, I can tell he isn't happy with me so I apologize at least 1,000 times. I don't think now's a good time to tell him about my encounter with Gus, so I just tell him I took so long because I tripped and spilled my milk. Thank god he just nodded and didn't ask any further questions.


It's only 9:14 am right now and we're already at the beach, so we decided to just take a stroll near the water before we get lunch. As I was thinking about my encounter with Gus, I was lifted into the air, flailing for dear life. Nate has me on his shoulders with me begging to be put down. I know what he's going to do and I can't let it happen. I beg and beg, but the inevitable happens. For the second time today, I am soaked from head to toe.

"NATEEEE!!! Why!!!!! This is the second time today!" I yell, clearly upset.

Completely pissed, I charge at Nate and attempt to push him into the water. He is obviously wayyy stronger than I am so I am unsuccessful at soaking him. Instead, I splash the water at him hoping it will do at least some damage. As I bend down to take another scoop of water, he picks me up again and throws me into the water. Damn his muscles! Now I have to think of another way of getting him wet... Ah ha! I just thought of the most brilliant idea that will for sure do the deed.

"Ahhh! Help! Nate! Please I'm drowning!" I scream.

Just to make it more realistic I start to flail my arms and occasionally go underwater.

"Oh come on, I know you can swim Johnson." He states the obvious.

"Yeah but the waves are pushing me under!... Please!" I cry out.

Just when I thought he wasn't going to save me, he jumps into the water and swims towards me. Right when he reaches me, I jump on top of him and pull him under. Once he's back up, he has the most surprised expression on his face causing me to laugh.

"Aww dagnabbit! I thought you were actually drowning!" He says.

Laughing, I reply, "Gotcha!"


Once again, thank you to all of you guys that read this chapter and look forward to more!


Adeline <3

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