17 - Over And Out

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Samantha Collins

I promised Oliver to not hurt anyone except if they try to kill me and I promised him I wouldn't kill anyone - and I kept that promise.

I didn't kill my father, even though I wanted to. I shot in his shoulder and knocked him out afterwards. I knew he wouldn't be unconscious for long so I needed to hurry up. Quickly I shot the other men in the legs so they wouldn't be able to follow me and rushed off. I was dragging the body of the doctor to the street where our motorbikes stood. Diggle was standing there.

"I'm sorry I didn't come back to you. I needed to bring Oliver and Roy away from here. They were still completely drugged."

"It's okay. It's over." I smiled lightly and nodded to the body of the doc.

We brought his body to the base and Felicity made sure he would stay unconscious. We didn't know what to do with him. No one of us wanted to bring him to the police because we didn't want to risk that he might break out - he was just too dangerous - but no one wanted to kill him either. So there was only one solution left.

Lian Yu.

The next day I flew to Lian Yu with Oliver. First he didn't want to take me with him but I got him with the argument that I got a right to know what happens with my father now. I know how important family is to him.

Oliver carried the doctor in a kind of bunker, which was turned into a little prison, and put him in one of the cells. I looked at Oliver while he locked the door and then at my father.

It was finally over. My father was locked away so he couldn't hurt anyone anymore. I didn't need to run away from my past anymore. Probably I could become happy now. There was just one thing left to do.

I turned back to Oliver "Could you leave us alone for a moment?"

"Sure." He nodded and climbed up the ladder.

I sat down on the ground and waited for him to wake up - which didn't take too long. He sat up and looked around "You really think locking away a genius was a good idea?"

"You mean locking away a killer." I corrected him.

"I am a genius! I could have helped the world! I could have cured every disease and I could have ended world hunger! My 'drug' is the cure!" He screamed while getting up.

I shook my head and ignored his madness. "I don't know what happened to you. I know you left me because you wanted to revenge my mother but you went crazy - and I am sorry for that. It's my fault. I should have told you..."

All in sudden he became quiet. He looked calm and slightly confused - he reacted like a normal person, like my father. I knew he was still in there but hoping wasn't exactly my strength - though it was tearing me up.

"Mum killed herself. I saw it." I said quietly and got up. My father was staring at me but I turned away and climbed up the ladder as well while tears ran down my face.

Even though I was crying and Ollie was worried I only told him that I want to fly back. He didn't talk about his family or his problems with me, so did I. I could handle it because I knew I could really move on this time.

I didn't need my dad to have a family. I have my friends - they are my family. Caitlin, Cisco, Thea, Diggle, Felicity, Oliver, Barry and Roy. Sounds like quite a big family to me. I only need them. We only need each other to know one thing.

Everything's gonna be okay.


That's it :) The end. I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know what you think! 

Thank you all so much for reading! I love you, guys! xx

I hope you'll check out my other works and stay tunned for more new books.

Don't forget: On 31th of October I published a totally new book (paranormal) called "Hello, My Name Is Cupid". I hope you'll check it out. I promise it's going to be fun ;)

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