7 - Up In The Air

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Roy Harper


I was wearing my best suit and walked downstairs to the base. Felicity whistled right as she saw me. "You look good, Harper." She laughed and then continued talking but she stuttered "I-I don't mean like I'd be attracted to you. I mean-...you don't look bad. I mean this suit-..."

"I get it, Felicity." I chuckled and sat down on a table. Samantha hadn't arrived yet so I talked with Oliver meanwhile. I just had to wait ten minutes till she finally walked downstairs to us - and she looked stunning. She was wearing a long red dress and even though she couldn't do something with her hair because it was short she looked amazing. Then I recognised a big scar on her arm which looked like a flash. I never saw it before but it didn't bother me.

All of us had been staring at her and she blushed.

"Is it too much? I couldn't find any other dress that quickly so I bought the best one I saw."

"Don't worry. You look amazing." I replied while smile. Then I looked at Oliver "You said we could borrow your car?"

"Yes." He walked to me and handed me the car keys and two small ear phones "Put them in so we can help if something is wrong."

I agreed and put one ear phone in. The other one I gave to Sam. Afterwards we walked upstairs together and outside to Oliver's car. I quickly unlocked it and opened the door at the passenger's seat for her. She thanked me and got in the car. I closed the door, got in on the other side and started driving.

As we arrived at the gala I parked the car and we went inside. It was a big hall decorated with lots of flowers and a few candles and many white balloons were hanging from the ceiling. A lot of people had been there already and many of them were drinking champagne. I looked at Samantha "How long did it take till this drugs started to work?"

"Right after they got injected in the body."

"So we'll see immediately if something is wrong with the drinks."

She nodded and we walked a free table. After we sat down I looked at the other guests. Some of them were standing around and talked with each other, others were sitting just like we did and again some others were dancing. We sat around quite a while and talked but we always had an eye on the other guest. No one seemed to act weird yet.

I got up and held a hand to Sam. "Would you like to dance?" I smiled. She took my hand and got up. "But just because we shouldn't look suspicious." she teased and I chuckled. Then we walked to the crowd that was dancing to a slow song. I put on hand on her waist and took her hand in my free one meanwhile she put her hand on my shoulder. Right afterwards we started dancing. I concentrated on the other guest but I concentrated even more on dancing because I wanted to impress Samantha.

I couldn't tell how long we danced - time simply passes too quickly when you enjoy what you are doing. We were dancing closer by now. My arms were wrapped around Samantha's waist and her arms were wrapped around my neck. I actually totally fell for her at this moment but I thought she'd just like me as a friend so I didn't plan on kissing her or even getting together with her anytime. Sam was just about to say something as suddenly the music stopped playing and another voice was possible to hear from the speakers. It was the voice of Samantha's father.

"I hope everyone is enjoying this little party." Everyone cheered in agreement but then he continued talking. "Great! I am quite sure that all of you soon will have even more fun as soon as the drugs which were mixed into your drinks start working."

Suddenly it was totally quiet in the hall and everyone put their drinks away. I took a step away from Samantha so both of us were standing separately. Then the voice appeared again. He explained that he didn't mix much of the drugs into the drinks so they start working slower. Furthermore he told us that his drug was "perfect" by now so everyone would get addicted immediately. They would feel weak without the drug and it would kill them slowly and painfully if they just stop taking the drug. He told them a few places where they could buy his drug and afterwards it was totally quiet again - till everyone started to panic.

Samantha looked at me "He isn't in this building or close to it. I couldn't hear him anywhere."

I nodded and thought shortly about the situation. Then Oliver's voice appeared on our headphones. "You two stay were you are. Felicity tries to locate him right now. I already called Caitlin. She is finishing the antidote right now and Barry will bring it to you afterwards so wait a few minutes and then search an access point to the ventilation system. Pour the antidote in it then. Oh! Don't forget to make sure that nobody leaves."

Both of us agreed and afterwards we made sure that everyone stays here. After something about five minutes Barry arrived. He handed the antidote to Samantha and left afterwards again. Sam pulled up the bottom of her dress so she could hold it and we ran downstairs to the cellar.

There was a door and it was locked so I kicked it in and we reached a long hallway. We walked along the hallway and looked at the signs at the door. On one of the signs was written "ventilation" so we entered this room. Turning the light on I saw a big machine and a table with a few tools. We walked closer to the machine and looked for something where we could pour the antidote in. It took a while but then I found a small hatch and opened it just as Sam suddenly shouted.

"Get down!"

Without hesitating I got on the floor and not even a second later three men entered the room and started shooting. I hadn't got any weapon with me so I had to extemporize. I flipped the table so it was laying on the side and pulled Sam to me so the table was a kind of shield for us. I quickly looked at her to make sure she hadn't got hit by a bullet. Afterwards I jumped up and attacked one of the men. It was easy to knock out the first and I just punched the second man straight in the face. Suddenly I felt that the third man was holding his gun to the back of my head. I immediately stopped fighting and put my hands a bit in the air. I turned my head a bit to look at Samantha, but she wasn't behind the table anymore. In the next moment I heard a loud groan behind me - I was sure that Sam just knocked this guy out so I made my turn and punched the last man who fell on the floor right afterwards. I turned around to look at Sam. On the ground was lying a hammer, she obviously knock the man out with it. Meanwhile she was walking to the ventilation machine and poured the antidote in it.

"We are a good team, aren't we?" She said while turning around to me with a big smile on her face.

"Best team ever." I laughed.


This chapter is to all their shippers :D Especially to @FlashFanGirl333 and @NightWing707 because you were the first ones to really ship them (hope you are still reading haha) ^^

Yes, you still have to wait for their kiss hehe

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