5 - Doctor Venom

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Felicity Smoak

We spent the whole afternoon at a little fast food restaurant just as we agreed on and either Roy and Samantha just had become really good friends or they had a crush on each other because they behaved really cute together. While we were eating they were playing with their food. For example Samantha threw some fries to Roy and he tried to catch them but not with his hands - with his mouth. Of course it was fun watching them but I rather talked with Barry. It was great having someone who was just as nerdy as I am. We could talk about science, computers and all their hero stuff.

Unfortunately I had to leave in the evening. I said bye to everyone and walked outside.
I directly walked to work because my new boss wanted me to help him with a project. It was cold outside so I closed my jacket and just as I was about to look up again I suddenly felt someone's hand pressing against my mouth. I tried to scream for help but I couldn't. I even tried to escape but this person just was much stronger than me so it was easy for him to keep me from running away. A second later I felt a needle stabbing in my neck and I blacked out.

After some time I woke up again. I couldn't tell if just some minutes past or even hours but what I knew is that I felt horrible. I sat up and looked around - my hands were tied together and I was in a totally empty room. Then I saw someone else lying on the ground. It was Caitlin and her hands were tied as well. I crawled to her somehow and whispered "Caitlin?"
She groaned and slowly opened her eyes. First she looked at me - then she sat up and looked around "w-What happened? Where are we?" "I don't know." I replied and slowly started to panic.

I took quite a while till we managed to untie each other's hands and got up. This room really wasn't big and there were two doors. One of the doors hadn't even got a door handle and the other one was locked. We tried to open it, we even tried to break the door open but we failed.

Samantha Collins

We just arrived at an abandoned industrial building. Barry and Oliver went in first because they wanted to knock out the guards - which was done in less than a minute because, as we are all aware, Barry is the fastest man alive. Afterwards Roy and I went inside as well and I leaded them to the office of the doctor because I could hear where exactly he was. Oliver was the first one to walk inside, afterwards Roy and then Barry. I was the last one to get inside and all in sudden the door closed behind me and got locked. "I've already been waiting for you." the doctor said while turning around to us.

I couldn't believe what I saw. This man was a well-known person to me. He kept me safe and raised me to the person I am now. He left me. This man - he was my father.
"Dad." I gasped and everyone looked at me except my father because he obviously didn't hear me. I was staring at him. I just couldn't explain to myself what happened to him. Why would he hurt people because of drugs? He had never been this kind of person.

Barry was the first one to break the silence "This man is your father?"
"Hah. No, I don't have any children but hey, it's great seeing all of you in your fancy suits finally." My father clapped his hands happily together.
"You are crazy." Roy responded and took a step forward.
"Hm. Yes, yes, maybe I am crazy but I am not stupid. Don't you think I knew that you've been searching me? That's exactly why I got some little souvenirs from your teams." My father pressed a button at his table and a door to another room opened. First it was possible to see two tall men and then two women - Caitlin and Felicity.

"Told you, I am not stupid. I easily found out about the Flash or should I rather say Barry? Furthermore I found out about the Arrow or should I say Oliver?" My father, Frank, looked at them with a slightly crazy glance. He turned his head to me, still not knowing that I am his daughter "...but you. Samantha you just pretend to be the normal one of them. You aren't playing hero - yet. Wouldn't you like something like-...hm...Acoustica?" He chuckled, and then put on a dead serious face again.

"In fact, I know everything I have to know about your little hero squad. So I made sure nothing would happen to me by kidnapping these two ladies and if you try to stop me, I'll kill them."

I shortly looked at Caitlin and Felicity. Both of them were crying because of fear and probably anger. I frowned and looked over to the others because I didn't know what to do. In the next moment Barry looked at us as well. I knew he had a plan.

He tried to run to Felicity and Caitlin but as soon as he reached the door to the other room he suddenly got electrified and as he fell on the floor he got iced to it. He made a loud groan and I wanted to run to him because he didn't move anymore after this but the voice of the doctor stopped me.

"You better don't run to him if you don't want your other two little friends to get burned down by those adorable flame throwers. Also if they just move they'll get burned down." He pointed to the wall, which four flame throwers were fixed on.
"Please just let me go to Barry. Let me check if he is okay." I hadn't got any idea on how to stop my father anyways so I just wanted to make sure that nothing happens to my friends but he said no. There was obviously no way out for anyone of us.

Then my father made us an offer. He would let us go and nothing would happen to us as long as we'd never get involved in his business again. He would make sure we left and then bring Felicity and Caitlin back to us and without asking us Oliver just agreed on it. I wouldn't have said no but I felt kind of overlooked because he just said yes without asking us and I could see that Roy felt the same about it as I did.

My father pressed a green button so the door to the other room closed and the one behind us got unlocked. "You can move now but if the sensors of my weapons recognize any movement that could harm me - you all will die."
I nodded and walked to Barry. After helping him stand up he put an arm around my shoulder so I could support him while walking and we left.

No one of us said a word till we were standing outside - then Roy crossed his arms and looked at Oliver. With a sarcastic undertone he said "Oh. Thanks for asking us for our opinion if we want to leave, Oliver."

"I didn't want to get roasted by those flame throwers, Roy, did you?" He snapped back.
"No, but it's a matter of principle. You always decide everything on your own. I thought we are a team!"
I sighed "Guys, could you please calm down? It's more important now that he keeps what he said and brings back Caitlin and Felicity."
They just looked at me for a second but then they nodded.

After some, rather uncomfortable, minutes of silence we agreed on driving back to the base and waiting for the doctor to bring them back.

extraordinary (DC/Arrow/Flash)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz