1 - A New Friend

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Barry Allen
The Flash

I was walking around in S.T.A.R. labs since I didn't have anything to do and didn't find the others. I was just about to walk outside as I heard someone talking. I followed the voice and saw a door, which I actually never noticed before. It was open so I decided to walk inside. The room I entered was really bright and some monitors were standing around and in the middle of the room was a bed - it reminded me a lot of the room I woke up in.
On this bed sat a girl, she looked quite confused and fixed her leather jacket which she obviously just put on. Right afterwards she noticed me and just asked quiet where she would be. "You are at S.T.A.R. labs. I really don't know why, but-..." I was about to continue, but the girl interrupted me. "Was it because I got struck by lightning?"

Did she just say struck by lightning? I totally couldn't believe it, but I nodded because I didn't know how to reply.

"Barry?", I heard a familiar voice and turned around to face Caitlin, "What are you doing here?". I was a bit confused by her reaction. She seemed a bit angry - as if I wouldn't be allowed to be here. I replied "I-I was on my way outside and then I heard her." I gave a quick look to the strange girl. Caitlin shook her head and walked to the bed, afterwards she talked with the girl about how she feels. She asked the girl if she feels 'different' - the same questions as they asked me - but she negated. After their little chat, Caitlin walked back to me and told me that if I really want to then I can stay here, but I should go if "Samantha" tells me to, I at least finally knew her name now, then Caitlin left the room.

Samantha looked at me then pointed at a chair beside her bed, showing me to sit down there. A word, well actually a gesture, and a blow. She green eyes said fixed on me and after a few uncomfortable seconds of silence she asked without any emotion showing: "How long have I been in coma?".
"It depends on when you fell in coma."
Samantha seemed to be trying to remember it for quite a while and then her expression brightened. She told me, she got struck a few days after her birthday, which means two months passed since then, but why would she be here then? I woke up here because Doctor Wells thought that the explosion of the particle accelerator may have had an impact on my body, but more than two years passed since that happened by now, so there was no reason to bring her here.

I explained this point of view to her, of course I left out the part that I am superfast now, and Samantha agreed that there was no point in bringing her here, till she mentioned something else. "I was so excited about the start of the particle accelerator. I never thought that this would put me into coma in the end...", she glanced at the floor, then immediately looked back at me and put on a smile. It didn't even take me a second to realize that she thinks the explosion was two months ago, but it's actually two years. I explained to her that two years passed since the particle accelerator and she seemed to take this quite cool. I, personally, would have had ways more questions. I would have been more shocked.

Caitlin, Cisco and Doctor Wells, they all kept this as a secret without any reason. Why wouldn't they tell me that someone else got hit by lightning as well?

Sam spent a lot of time with us and even though I barely knew anything about her I liked her a lot. The only thing we discovered was that her wounds heal extremely fast. Mine already do, but for example it takes some hours till a broken bone is totally healed, Sam's bones heal in a few minutes. She sometimes even stayed the night at S.T.A.R laboratories, but she never admitted it. I just sometimes found her sitting on the floor, with the back against the wall or a door and asleep. After not even three days I already told her that I am the Flash, she is the kind of person I trust, and later on she even helped coordinating me at my fights, she motivated me when I wasn't in the mood to train and I could always talk to her.

It was Saturday. Caitlin, Cisco, Samantha and I have been hanging out in a little Italian restaurant. Just like normal teenagers we talked, we ate and made fun about everything that seemed to be funny to us - altogether we had a great afternoon. At 4pm Caitlin went home and half an hour later Cisco as well. This was my chance to finally ask Samantha out about herself.

I started off with one of the questions we asked her every day: "Do you feel different or special in any way?"
Sam put away the glass she has just been drinking off and replied with a smile: "Not more different or special than I did the last 11 years."
"What do you mean with that?"
"As I was 8 years old I recognized that I was a bit different than the other children. I could hear much better than they did. No one was able to explain to me why I could do this. There is still no one who could, but since I know you guys I know that I am not the only one who is different. I mean your super-speed was given to you 'cuz of an accident and I was born with my 'super-hearing' but that makes no difference. I learned to live with it. I had trouble with it, but that doesn't matter now anymore."

That was it. I finally got her to talk with me about her life. I never heard of a meta-human who got born as one, but that wasn't important now. I could still talk about this fact with Dr. Wells later, at this moment I wanted to know more.
"Did you have that incredible healing factor before already as well? Why are you wearing your leather jacket like 24 hours a day? I recognized it as we first meet and saw that wear it all the time. Why do you barely go home?"
All in sudden her smile dropped and she just gave me a blank stare while answering: "No. Because I want to. None of your business."

I decided to drop the topic and talk about stuff like her favorite movie or what kind of music she likes. She was a bit mad because of any of my questions, but she played cool like she always did and answered my questions with a big, fake smile. During our conversation I got a call. I looked at my phone and decided to pick up. The call didn't take long, approximately a minute.
Right afterwards Samantha raised an eyebrow, obviously waiting for me to tell her who called me - she always wanted to know everything but never told us a word about herself. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, but had to smile right afterwards because I just wasn't able to be mad at her for this. "It was Oliver Queen. He needs some help-...with work.", I responded while trying not to mention his secret identity.

She smiled cheeky then asked: "Superhero stuff?". My eyes widened. Did she know about Oliver or does she think he just needs my help? What did she hear? I swallowed hard and tried to figure out a good answer, but Sam continued right away. "Yes, Barry. I know that he is The Arrow and no, he doesn't know that I know about this secret and even if I wouldn't have known about that, I would know it now. Another great power of mine is that I can read someone's mind. Not always, I think it depends on how much a person concentrates on this, but still I am able to. So can I come with you to Starling City?"

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