16 - One Step Ahead

149 12 3

Samantha Collins


They wanted to pull me downstairs in the cellar to Oliver and Roy but this time we had a plan they didn't know about because this time we didn't talk about it. We knew they had been able to hack in the microphones in the base and listen to us so this time we wrote down our whole plan and talked about something completely different.

I tried to pull myself away from them but I knew they were stronger so I made a force field appear around my whole body and the men got thrown against the wall. Everyone who had been sitting at the table jumped up immediately and pulled out their guns.
The bullets made quiet click-sounds as they fell to the floor and not even one managed to get through my shield. I pulled out two guns which had been in retainers around my ankles and shot two of the men in the legs so they dropped to the floor.

Meanwhile Diggle unchained Oliver and Roy and helped them to walk up the stairs. I stepped closer to my father who was standing there in totally shock but his gun was still pointed at me.

"It never should have come this far but now it's over." I said and looked strictly at my father.

"No, it isn't over!" He shouted and pulled the trigger of his gun but once more the bullet didn't reach me. His expression became even more devastated and crazy than it ever did before. The doctor threw his gun aggressively on the floor and reached out his hand to me. I stood my ground because I knew my force field would protect me.

All in sudden his hand broke through the field and the field crumbled.
"You are my daughter, right? So you can't keep me away with this - and guess what, this isn't the only thing I can do!" A grin appeared on his lips and he grabbed me throat lifting me off the ground. I struggled to get free and tried to breath but he was strong - stronger than a human.

"Yes, I did some research and figured out you are really my daughter."

"But you aren't a father to me anymore." I tried to breath but his hand pressed deeper in my skin. I felt dizzy and my vision slowly went black. There was just this strong figure lifting me off the floor and the voice of a door closing behind me.

Diggle probably just left with Roy and Oliver but I knew he would come back to help me. He needed to. It was part of the plan. The plan was to get everyone out alive.

But he didn't.
He didn't come back.

Once more I was trapped - obviously I wasn't made for battles.
Then he continued "I don't care what or who I am to you. What I wanted to say was: You might got some powers, but I do too."
Probably he can read minds and that's why he mostly knew our plan. But he would have known the new plan if he could so obviously he couldn't read minds.

Waiting for him to continue felt like forever. It's like at Christmas, rather a few days before Christmas.
You are excited and can't wait for the days to pass and everyday feels like you'd be waiting for years and years. Waiting for him to tell me about his powers was my waiting-for-christmas.

"My 'drugs' gave me superpowers. I am stronger and faster than anyone else. I just want everyone to feel this amazing but you always try to stop me making the world a better place."

I puy my hands on his arms and tried to get free once more. Then I gasped "I know at least one person who's faster than you." - one of the most stupid things to say in such moments.
His grip tightened and I knew I'd faint in a few seconds but all in sudden he threw he to the ground. My hands reached up to my neck and I lightly rubbed over it while taking a few deep breaths.

I knew fighting with him would be risky but talking like being at a coffee party wouldn't work at all. All this "Talking and touching his heart"-shit only works in movies and my life wasn't a movie - never will be.

I got up on my feet and looked at the doctor. I put my hands on my hips - at least I made him think I'd only do that - but actually I pulled out a gun which was hidden on my back under my jacket. I pointed it right at his head but instead of being shocked, once more he just laughed.
Always laughing about my behaviour like I'd be a child who just did something funny and cute. It was freaking me out - he was freaking me out.

"I know you won't shot me. You won't shoot your own father." He chuckled.

"I will." I wanted to but I couldn't. My brain said "Shot!" but my body didn't listen. It was like my heart said "He's your father. Talk to him. I bet he still loves you."
All the memories of my childhood and about my father came up in my mind. I couldn't pull the trigger and wipe out all those memories together with his life, but the truth was - he already wiped out those memories about him as he showed up in Starling City and tried to test and sell those brain-damaging drugs. My father died as I was 7 years old along with my mother. I only needed to accept the truth finally.

And then "click". I pulled the trigger.


This book is slowly coming to the end. Just a few more chapters left. Hope you're ok with that

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