"What's that supposed to mean?" Raph accused. Donnie shook his bead.


Raph rolled his eyes but didn't press the matter.

"Wait, Abby, do you remember any of the fight?" Kenzie asked. I looked at her like she was crazy, then remembered the foot bots. They laid in piles of robot scraps on the floor. I also noticed a long cut on her arm.

"N-no! Did I do this?! And did I do that?!" I asked in alarm, pointing to the most ruthlessly cut up bot junk piles and Kenzie's arm. Kenzie nodded grimly.

"Well, you didn't cut my arm, that was a foot bot. You did make these bots into piles of junk, though," Kenzie explained.

"W-what?" I stuttered. Swallowing, I looked at my friends, human and turtle, with wide, scared eyes. "But I don't even know how to use this!"

I held up the sword, and to my horror saw wires hanging off the end of it. I immediately dropped it.

"How about we head back to the lair?" Donnie suggested, looking at me worriedly. What had begun a fun go kart race had gone downhill very, very quickly.

Leo nodded, and we started back to the turtle's hideout. However, I kept getting the weird feeling that someone was watching us.

"Hey, guys, I just had an idea. C'mere," I said suddenly. Everyone stopped and looked at me, confused, but stopped nonetheless. We huddled.

"I feel like someone's watching us," I barely whispered. I was surprised everyone heard it.

"Me too. I got those ninja vibes, yo!" Mikey chimed in. Leo nodded, and I but my lip.

"What do we do?" I asked, slightly scared.

"We keep going, but lead them away from the lair. We can pretend we're lost, when really we'll know our way around," Leo ordered. Everyone nodded.

"Well, I don't know if we should take a shortcut, Abby," Kenzie said, in her normal voice. I was about to shush her when I realized what she was doing. "I also don't understand why we had to whisper."

I shrugged. "Well, it makes it cooler. Plus, shortcut saves time, and when you save time, you get more of it for SCIENCE!"

I made explosion symbols above my hand with my hands at the word science. Raph rolled his eyes, but I don't think he was pretending.

"Nerd," he muttered under his breath, just loud enough for me to hear. I fake pouted.

"Fine, we'll take a shortcut," Leo sighed in 'defeat'. I made a mental note to praise everyone on their acting skills. "But we are not letting Mikey lead the way."

Everyone laughed, and I don't think any of them were forced (A/N I typed that sentence with sooo many spelling mistakes the first 50852783 times cuz its like 1 am. Your welcome, people 😂).

Leo lead the way down a tunnel, making a lot of twists and turns, all leading away from the lair.

"Uh oh," Leo muttered at one point.

"What's wrong?" Kayla asked, suddenly nervous.

"We're lost!" Donnie exclaimed, frantically looking around.

"I knew taking a shortcut was a bad idea," Kenzie accused, pointing at me.

"Sorry! I was just super eager to get back! We just discovered it, why wouldn't I?!" I protested. Even though it was fake, there was some truth to the words. I did really want to get back to the lair, but first, we had to save it.

"How are we gonna find our way back?" Sarah asked.

"Let's find a manhole and go topside. That way we can run over the roofs (yes that's how that's spelled I was surprised too xD) and find the right manhole from above," I suggested. Leo pursed his lips.

"But its daytime! We'll get caught!" he protested.

Raph was about to say something, but another voice interrupted.

"Ah, Leonardo. Alwayssssss the one to think about the sssssssafety of hissssss family," a dark, feminine voice chuckled from the shadows. It sounded snakelike. Immediately, I knew who it was.

"Karai!" Leo exclaimed. I shared a look with Kenzie.

"Wow, Karai? No way! I'm your biggest fan!" I exclaimed, making up a plan in my head. The turtles looked at me like I was crazy, but my friends were faking their surprised faces. I knew Karai was confused, too.

"What?" she snapped.

"The turtles told me all about you. You seem awesome! It's so cool that there's a girl ninja with conflicting feeling over who to serve, because Splinter is your real dad but Shredder raised you, but he only raised you because he stole you from your parents and killed your mom!"

Karai growled at my statement. "That'sssss what they told you? Well they ssssspeak liessss!" she hissed. I frowned.

"No, they don't. I have video evidence. Actually, no, I have photo evidence, to prove it," I raised my eyebrows.

"Ssssssshow me," Karai ordered. I shook my head.

"Well, you see, I can't do that. It's back at the lair, and as you can see, we're lost. That includes you, since I'm sure we're halfway across the city my now," I lied smoothly. It scared me how easily I was fibbing.

"You can't ssssshow me becaussssse you don't have any proof!" Karai roared.

"Actually, I can show you! Lemme just get that pic outta my bag..." I reached for an invisible bag on my back and fake pouted. "Oops, looks like I forgot it."

Karai lunged, and I could sense her presence coming towards me. I step-sided easily. The kunoich smirked.

"You are sssssskilled, I sssssee."

"Karai, you're under Shredder's mind control. Break out if it!" I urged, dodging another attack. As I ducked under her attack, white clouded the corners of my vision. I blinked it away, and when it cleared, I had Karai
up against the wall with my blade at her throat. I lowered it and my jaw dropped.

Leo yanked me off, grabbing Karai's arm so she couldn't escape. He glared at me.

"What was that!" he exclaimed.

"What was what?" I asked, confused.

"Why did you go full ninja on her?" Leo demanded.


"You don't remember doing it? Again?" Donnie asked. His brow lines furrowed. "This is really weird. We need to get back to the lair. Now."

I nodded shakily. Leo's gaze had softened.

"Sorry Karai," I said to the snake-lady. She hissed at me.

"I don't need your apology," she growled.

"Fine. Sorry for going full ninja on your girlfriend, Leo," I retorted, turning away.

"It's ok - wait, did you just say girlfriend? She isn't my girlfriend!" Leo argued. "She's our sister!"

"She's not blood related to you in any way. My statement still stands," I smirked triumphantly. I knew it was weird, but who can resist getting on Leo's nerves?

"Let's go home!" Mikey cheered, and we started back the way we came. I was glad no one asked how I knew about Karai.


What's this? Two updates in one week? WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?!?! Also, your welcome for using valuale sleep time to write this chapter. JUST KIDDING I LOVE YOU ALL <3


Shoot. Now you're all gonna come at me with popcorn-destroying guns. NOT THE POPCORN, ANYTHING BUT THE POPCORN!

I'm just gonna leave now



Living With Turtles (TMNT 2012 Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें