How come only he came to see me? If I have other godparents wouldn't they want to see me? "Why did you come; but not the others?" I voiced my thoughts.

He frowned with a loud sigh. "Well, I'm also your personal guard" he looked up and I saw all of his emotions through his eyes. Sadness. Anger. Guilt. "I should've been there. If I was there, he wouldn't have had a chance to take you. I'm so sorry" he whispered.

One lone tear streamed down his face. "I failed" he stated as tears continued to flow from his eyes. "I didn't do my job. I didn't protect you. It's my fault. I-"

In one swift movement, I slid off the bed and landed in front of him. I surprised both of us by wrapping my arms around him. I don't know if it was the tears or the way his voice was cracking; but I now know who I believe. "It's not your fault. It was never your fault" I assured him. He hiccuped; and his arms tightly encircled my waist.

I felt his tears soaking my shirt; but honestly, I couldn't care less. This man needed a hug. "How 'bout we get some coffee? We can make up for lost time" I offered.

He slowly pulled away and wiped away his tears. When his face was dry, he raised an eyebrow. "You do realize that it's about midnight, right?" he questioned.

I smiled. It was like his little breakdown didn't happen. Oh, well. I guess we don't have to talk about it. I looked at the wall clock that said it was a little past 12. "It's past midnight. About 12:05 a.m. Which means that it's morning. And people drink coffee in the morning. So we should get coffee!" I announced.

He reluctantly agreed. "Just let me tell Eve first" he stated. I grabbed his arm before he got to the door. "What?" he asked.

"Let's sneak out. It makes things more fun!" I declared. He rolled his eyes and attempted to push me out of his way. However, I defiantly held my ground. "Come on. Don't be a prude" I said with a small pout.

He shook his head amusedly. "Let's go then. I wouldn't want to be a prude" he stated. I smiled triumphantly. I walked over to the window and slid it open. "Ladies first" he said.

I rolled my eyes and swung one leg out the window. Luckily, there was a few bushes that would break our fall when we jump. "Hey. What's your name?" I questioned. I just realized that he told me he's my uncle; but he didn't tell me his name.

He climbed out the window and stood at the ledge with me. "Thomas Jacobs. But everyone calls me Jacobs" he informed me. I nodded before jumping into the bushes. Jacobs followed after me and landed next to me. "You're fucking crazy!" he whisper-yelled.

I laughed. It's weird to see someone his age, curse. "Let loose, old man" I teased. I scanned the area and spotted a nice silver sports car. I honestly don't know what brand or type of car it is; but it looks expensive. "We're taking that" I decided while pointing at the car.

I didn't give Jacobs time to argue. I sprinted to the car and opened the driver's door. Smiling, I turned back around to see Jacobs taking his time to walk over here. "Some dumb ass left the keys in here" I informed him.

"Just get in" he mumbled. I laughed and slid into the driver's seat.


"No. I swear that's how we met" Jacobs assured me. He said that he met the Queen when he kidnapped her. It has to be a lie. Who would let someone live after kidnapping the Queen?

I shook my head while sipping on my frappuccino. We are currently sitting in a booth of a cafe, while Jacobs tells me his life story. "How are you still alive?" I questioned. Jacobs laughed and drank some of his hot coffee. "Come one. There's no way that they just let you go. You had to have done something" I stated.

He grinned and sat his coffee down. "Before they found Eve, I also kidnapped Jordyn- the Royal Luna. I told them that I would return her after they agreed to let me be a guard" he admitted.

So basically, he blackmailed them. "About six months after I became a guard, I found my mate" he informed me with a smile on his face.

"But didn't you say that your mate died?" I inquired. That's how he lost his Alpha status.

Jacobs' smile was replaced with a frown. "Yeah. My true mate died when I mated with the other Alpha. But that Alpha was killed by rogues a few months after we mated" he explained. "My mate, Hope, died before I met her. But then the Moon Goddess sent her back to earth to be Eve's guardian"

My eyebrows scrunched together. That's really confusing. "So, you mated with someone that wasn't your true mate causing your true mate to die. Hope died before you met her. Then she was resurrected and you two mated?" I summed up.

He nodded his head. "Yeah. My love life is very complicated" he stated. I nodded and sipped on my drink. "So what about you?" he asked. "What's your life story?"

I frowned. "I honestly don't know. Apparently, my dad isn't my dad" I said quietly.

"What are you talking about?" he questioned. "I mean, Anthony wasn't your dad by blood; but didn't you say that he treated you like his daughter?" he asked.

I nodded and leaned back into the booth. "Yeah. He was a great dad" I said with a smile on my face. My hand moved up to my neck where my locket was.

Jacobs noticed the movement. "Did he give that to you?" he inquired. I nodded. "Can I see it?" he asked. I took off the necklace and handed it to him. Jacobs carefully opened the locket. "Who's the other guy?" he asked.

"Keith. He's my best friend. He's like my brother; he's family" I stated. "Keith and I are magically bonded. It's sorta like a mate bond; but our bond isn't romantic. We can just feel each other's presence, feel each other's pain, and sometimes, we can feel each other's emotions" I informed him.

He handed me back my locket and chuckled. "Your mate is gonna be pissed when he finds out about Keith" he stated.

I frowned and sipped my coffee. "I don't think I have a mate" I said quietly. "I'm a hybrid. So I'm only half-werewolf" I stated.

"What?" Jacobs asked confused. "There's no way that you're a hybrid. Both of your parents are werewolves" he told me.

That's true. Apparently, I don't have witch blood; but I still have magic. I shrugged in response. "I know that Eve has powers; but that's just because she got them from the Moon Goddess" he informed me. "According to Hope, Eve's powers shouldn't have been passed down"

Well, then. I have no idea how the hell I can use magic. I sighed. "I don't know why I have powers. I always thought that I got it from my dad" I stated.

Jacobs nodded in understanding. "I can look into it if you want" he offered. I smiled gratefully and nodded. "Okay. So tell me more about this Keith guy" he said. Honestly, he looked like a teenage girl waiting for the next gossip.

I grinned and started to tell him about Keith. The whole time, Jacobs looked really interested. I'm surprised that we got along really well. He told me his whole story- even the parts that he was a total dick. He didn't lie about anything. He made mistakes, but he owned up to them.

He different then the Royal family. The King has just been really cold-hearted. The Queen has basically been trying to mold me into her perfect little family. David and Gardenia just want their sister back. But I'm not exactly ready for that.

I feel like they just want me to be like them. However, I'm not like them. With Jacobs, he honestly just wanted to know me. He wanted to know about my life, my friends, my family. He didn't push me to talk about my biological family. He didn't diss my father. He was genuinely interested in knowing about me.

And now, I have someone I actually trust.


OMG! Rejecting A Princess got #9 in the Werewolf What's Hot list!!!!!

Freaking amazing!!!!!!!


Who wants to see more of Audrey's mate?? I feel like their relationship will be very... interesting.

Kayyzzz Byeeezzz


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