When she releases her hold she can't go far because I still have my hands on her hips. I refuse to let go until she looks directly into my eyes. Once I see the catch in her breath and the flush of her skin, I relax my grip. As much as I want to kiss her, I accept that for now, I have to be content with the fact that she's still very much attracted to me. That makes me smile.

"Ah, Hunter." She says while blushing. "Don't worry about your public imagine. There is NO way anyone can forget about you. Trust me."

Liddy's POV

I can't believe I just hugged Hunter. What's wrong with me? I should still be upset with him for spending the weekend with Kelly. But instead I'm here, less than 24 hours later, standing before him with my heart racing, wanting him to kiss me. Wishing with my whole heart that he could love me instead of her.

There's now an uncomfortable silence suddenly in the room. He still has his hands on my hips and I don't mind. He is looking at me with such intensity that it sends chills up my spine. I have to fight not to shiver. Why does he stare at me like that, sometimes? It confuses me so much. As much as I want to live in this moment and forget about Kelly, I know I shouldn't. So I step back and he releases his hold on me then I force myself to speak. "Ah Hunter, don't worry about your public imagine. There is no way anyone can forget about you. Trust me."

He smiles that smile that makes me weak in the knees. "God, I hope you are right."

"I am. So when do you have to go?" I ask trying to lighten the mood.

"I need to leave sometime Wednesday and will return late Thursday night or early Friday. I will call my parents and have them come stay with Harper."

I'm taken aback by his comment regarding his parents. "Why do you need to call your parents? Are you afraid to leave Harper alone with me?"

"Oh, absolutely not. The only reason I'm planning to ask my parents to come stay with Harper is because when you accepted the nanny position it did not include taking care of Harper overnight. That's my responsibility. You already work enough watching my daughter during the day, it is not fair to ask you to do anything more."

"What if I offer?" I ask as I sit back down to continue to play with Harper. "Hunter, I really don't mind watching her while you are gone. You'll only be away maybe 36 hours. I'm pretty sure my degree qualifies me to do that."

"Are you sure? I just don't want you to feel like I'm taking you for granted, because I'm not. I appreciate every single thing you do for Harper and me. Don't think I didn't notice that you washed both her clothes and mine, when you went home this past weekend."

I feel my face start to turn pink, again. "It's not that big of a deal. I don't mind doing laundry."

"Well, it's a big deal to me. Since I moved out of my parent's house I have been doing all my own laundry. So to have someone else do it for me is very special."

"Didn't Renee wash your clothes?"

He laughs. "Ah no, I washed hers if I was home otherwise she took her stuff to the dry cleaner. Renee was anything but domestic. She didn't cook, clean or do laundry."

I am shocked. I can't wrap my head around that. "You did everything in your marriage didn't you?"

"Pretty much." He looks embarrassed. All I want to do is hug him again, but I know that's a bad idea. I barely managed to let go the last time. It feels so right being held in his arms. I certainly can't risk being that close to him again.

"Well, it's settled. I will take care of Harps while you go appear on TV and make every fan of yours' proud."

"I don't know if I would go that far."

Single Dad "Starting Over"(Hunter Hayes Fanfic)...CompletedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora